Teachers strike The majority of Quebecers support the demands of

Teachers’ strike: The majority of Quebecers support the demands of the FAE

According to a recent survey, schools are still paralyzed by the indefinite strike of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE), whose move would, however, be supported by Quebecers, even if they would have to show ingenuity in the meantime.

• Also read: Teachers’ strike: The FAE demonstrates in front of Radio-Canada

• Also read: Public sector strike: “We will hold out the siege until Christmas if necessary”

According to a recent Léger poll commissioned by the FAE and released Monday, the union was pleased to see Quebecers “strongly” support the demands of teachers who want to improve public schools.

According to the survey, 82% of Quebecers would be in favor of increasing teacher salaries to reach the Canadian average, while three out of four people say they support shortening the years to reach the Canadian average maximum. the scale.

“Not only did the population mobilize with us on the streets last Thursday, but Quebecers also believe that the solutions proposed by the FAE are, in their eyes, fair, realistic and relevant,” said Mélanie Hubert, president of the FAE.

“Everyone understands very well that by improving the working conditions of teachers, we will promote better learning conditions for our students and the entire public school will benefit,” said Ms. Hubert.

To put even more pressure on the Legault government, the FAE held an impromptu rally in front of Radio-Canada’s headquarters on Sunday to mark the appearance of Treasury President Sonia LeBel on the program “Tout le monde speaks.” .

“We cannot allow it to continue its prime-time disinformation campaign,” denounced the union, which regrets the “lack of union organization.” [soit] invited to give him the answer.

The FAE’s indefinite strike continues to cause headaches for parents of students as they continue to have to find alternative solutions to care for their children at the start of the week.

Strike calendar


Joint Front Strike Day 1 of 3



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • 420,000 workers are affiliated to the CSN, the CSQ, the FTQ and the APTS. This front brings together employees from the health and education networks.
  • In schools, the Common Front represents support staff, specialists and 60% of teachers.
  • In CEGEPs, 85% of teachers are connected to the Common Front through the CSN.
  • In the health network, the Common Front represents not only office workers but also specialists and technicians.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of schools, CEGEPs, health and social services.
  • School and daycare classes are suspended in most school service centers in Quebec. Also closure of administrative centers.

OrPlanned events

  • A large demonstration is not planned.


Joint front strike day 2 of 3



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • 420,000 workers are affiliated to the CSN, the CSQ, the FTQ and the APTS. This front brings together employees from the health and education networks.
  • In schools and CEGEPs, the Common Front represents support staff, professionals and 60% of teachers.
  • In the health network, the Common Front represents not only office workers but also specialists and technicians.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of schools, CEGEPs, health and social services.
  • School and daycare classes are suspended in most school service centers in Quebec. Also closure of administrative centers.

OrPlanned events

  • A large demonstration is not planned.


Joint front strike day 3 of 3



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • 420,000 workers are affiliated to the CSN, the CSQ, the FTQ and the APTS. This front brings together employees from the health and education networks.
  • In schools and CEGEPs, the Common Front represents support staff, professionals and 60% of teachers.
  • In the health network, the Common Front represents not only office workers but also specialists and technicians.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of schools, CEGEPs, health and social services.
  • School and daycare classes are suspended in most school service centers in Quebec. Also closure of administrative centers.

OrPlanned events

  • Planned rally in front of the National Assembly of Quebec between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
  • Demonstration from Collège Maisonneuve in Montreal from 10 a.m.

FIQ strike day 1 of 2



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • The Quebec Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ) represents 80,000 nurses, practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of health and social care facilities.
  • In the health network, the strike is governed by essential services. Therefore, some treatments will be slowed down on certain units.
  • In addition, it is mandatory that 70% of operational services and 80% of services be maintained in subspecialty centers.

OrPlanned events

  • A large demonstration is not planned.

FAE general strike without borders



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • The Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) represents 66,000 teachers in Montreal, Quebec, Outaouais, the Laurentians, Estrie and Montérégie. This corresponds to 40% of teachers.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of schools
  • Suspension of classes for an indefinite period in the school service centers represented by the FAE. A return to class will only be possible if the union reaches an agreement in principle or makes significant progress at the negotiating table.

OrPlanned events

  • At 11:30 a.m. demonstration “for teachers and public schools” organized by the FAE in Jarry Park in Montreal.


FIQ strike day 2 of 2



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • The Quebec Interprofessional Health Federation (FIQ) represents 80,000 nurses, practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of health and social care facilities.
  • In the health network, the strike is governed by essential services. Therefore, some treatments will be slowed down on certain units.
  • In addition, it is mandatory that 70% of operational services and 80% of services be maintained in subspecialty centers.

OrPlanned events

  • A large demonstration is not planned.

FAE general strike without borders



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • The Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) represents 66,000 teachers in Montreal, Quebec, Outaouais, the Laurentians, Estrie and Montérégie. This corresponds to 40% of teachers.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Picketing in front of schools and CEGEPs
  • Suspension of classes for an indefinite period in the school service centers represented by the FAE. A return to class will only be possible if the union reaches an agreement in principle or makes significant progress at the negotiating table.

OrPlanned events

  • At 11:30 a.m. demonstration “for teachers and public schools” organized by the FAE in Jarry Park in Montreal.

SPGQ strike day 2 of 2



WHOWho is mobilized?

  • Some members of the Union of Professionals of the Government of Quebec (SPGQ), which represents 700 employees of ten CEGEPs, are on strike on November 23 and 24.

WhatDisturbances are to be expected

  • Classes are canceled in the following establishments: Cégep André-Laurendeau, Cégep de Jonquière, Cégep de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Cégep de Lanaudière, Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe, Cégep de Sainte-Foy, Cégep de Thetford, Cégep de Trois-Rivières , Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne and Collège Montmorency.

OrPlanned events

  • A large demonstration is not planned.