Taika Waititi Reveals Trumps List of Demands for Director

Taika Waititi Reveals Trump’s ‘List of Demands’ for Director

In a new episode of Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Sean Hayes’ Smartless podcast, director and actor Taika Waititi revealed juicy and completely typical details about his experience working with former President Donald Trump on an NBC Super Bowl featurette the year 2012 with the title “Brotherhood of Man”. .”

“I directed Trumpy,” Waititi chuckled. “There was a piece of paper with a list of demands,” Waititi said when Bateman asked if Trump had any “specs” for the set.

Trump had an assistant with him who constantly flattered him, Waititi explained. “He was kind of a make-up person who also boosted his ego. So she would like to touch him and say, ‘Oh Mr. Trump, oh Mr. Trump, you look amazing.'”

“[The camera] “It had to be a certain size to make him look a little thinner,” Waititi added. “I think it was like whatever the color orange was, he had to look like that on screen.”

In the musical spot, which features both Trump and disgraced former NBC anchor Matt Lauer, the cast of the network’s top programs at the time – The Office, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Community – sing and dance and Smash – through the track The commercial is then titled.

Ironically, given Trump’s presence, the song comes from the musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.”

Trump appears for a split second in “Brotherhood” just before Lauer, who was fired in 2017 over allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace, appears on screen.

The former president points directly into the camera and simply sings “You.”