1701117039 The Guardia Civil arrests two Brazilian brothers in Estepona who

The Guardia Civil arrests two Brazilian brothers in Estepona who are accused of links to the Islamic State

The Guardia Civil arrests two Brazilian brothers in Estepona who

They are Brazilian, between 35 and 40 years old and went to the gym every day. They arrived in Estepona at the beginning of the year and since then one of them has been working in construction and another in swimming pools. To their neighbors, they were just two newly arrived brothers looking for a new life. For the Guardia Civil, however, these were two people who were involved in a radicalization process related to the terrorist group ISIS. Not only did they use encrypted instant messaging platforms to show active support for the jihadist organization and promote the Islamic State, but they also maintained relationships with other individuals in countries where recent attacks have occurred. On suspicion of carrying out an attack in Spain, both were arrested last Friday in the now well-known city of Estepona (Málaga, 74,493 inhabitants) in an operation in collaboration with the American FBI. The two, already in prison, have the same initials: TPT

The operation began at the beginning of the year after agents from the Guardia Civil Information Service learned of the two people’s arrival on the Costa del Sol. They had already been to Spain years ago and one of them had a previous conviction for a murder crime in Portugal. According to sources involved in the case, they settled in Estepona in January, with a routine that took them to the gym and work every day. The investigation was complex because they communicated encrypted with other people and because they lived together, their communication with each other was loud and without any technical element. “This makes it difficult to know what they are up to,” explain investigative sources, emphasizing that the place where they were was the coast of Malaga, where there is already a high level of criminal activity related to drug trafficking , and large numbers of refugees from justice are hiding. .

Based on the information obtained about the individuals, it was proven that both were allegedly involved in a radicalization process and that they used encrypted instant messaging platforms to show their active support for ISIS. “Both consumed and disseminated Islamic State multimedia propaganda material” through their internet profiles, the Guardia Civil said in a statement. On their social networks, they shared manuals for making explosives and poisoning or cybersecurity attacks, as well as documents justifying suicidal acts. They also maintained communication with other radicalized individuals in different parts of the world. In recent months they had been in contact with people residing in countries where recent terrorist attacks had occurred. And various international police forces investigated people “closely” associated with them.

The above and other clues led the agents to conclude that they could be preparing an attack on Spanish territory. Therefore, the operation called Male was expedited. Given the brothers’ dangerousness and their strength after years of training in the gym, members of the Guardia Civil’s Rapid Action Group (GAR) took part in their arrest, which took place last Friday. Immediately afterwards, the house where they both lived was searched. The information and documents obtained will be evaluated in the coming weeks. After their arrest, both people were transferred to Madrid, where they were placed at the disposal of the Central Instruction Court No. 5 of the National Court. The main judge decided to remand the two detainees for allegedly committing terrorist offenses. Members of the US FBI also took part in the operation and helped identify the two brothers of Brazilian origin as well as agents of the Brazilian Federal Police.

Investigative sources indicate that this is the first time that two people of Brazilian nationality have been arrested as part of an operation against jihadist terrorism. “It highlights the impact of jihadist propaganda around the world, even in areas such as Latin America where the impact of attacks is much lower,” these sources point out, emphasizing that the profile of those arrested in this type of investigation is “very different.” There is no pattern based on age, socioeconomic status or education.

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