The incident occurred on Friday, November 24, in the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh, India. “The case is shocking,” admitted the authorities investigating the incident.
A 10-year-old boy was beaten by his classmates compass. The events took place on Friday, November 24, in the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh India, authorities confirmed. “The Child Welfare Committee (CWC) has taken note of the incident and sought an investigation report from the police,” a local official said.
CWC president Pallavi Porwal said the student will do it Hit 108 times by his classmates during a brawl at a private school near the airfield police station.
“The The case is shocking. We have asked the police for help to find out why violent behavior from little kids like that,” he said. According to Porwal, the attack may have been triggered by “video games with violent scenes” that the students involved may have recently played.
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“My son told what happened when he got home. I still don’t know why he was treated so violently by his classmates. The management of the School “He did not provide me with the video surveillance images of the classroom,” the victim’s father said, explaining that his son returned home bleeding.
The young man’s family presented themselves Complaint. Deputy Commissioner of Police Vivek Singh Chauhan added that the child had undergone “regular medical examination”. All children involved in the accident are below 10 years of age and appropriate action will be taken as per law, Porwal further said.