Sylvomimicry and Pedagogy of Life – Thoth

Sylvomimicry and Pedagogy of Life – Thoth

The forest precedes people; the desert follows them.

The example of the forest

The pedagogy of life is linked to awareness of the vital problems we face, especially climatic, social, ecological and economic problems. This awareness arises in part through a transformation of pedagogical principles and attitudes. Living postures can ease the transition to other lifestyles and limit the impact on our planet.

This means that the way we teach and learn can influence our relationship with and impact on the environment. By incorporating the principles of life into our teaching methods, we can encourage more environmentally friendly behavior and contribute to the sustainability of our planet. In the 3.8 billion years of life’s existence, trees arrived on Earth around 420 million years ago, long before humans.

The ancestor of trees is called Archaeopteris. Its wood is similar to that of conifers, its trunk is thick and can grow up to 50 m high. But it reproduces using spores, like ferns. From this the trees will take the form of individuals, forests and a variety of plants. He therefore followed evolutionary paths rich in teachings. Silvo-mimicry is an approach that focuses on trees and the forest to find new and effective solutions for the economy.

Observation of the forest

Trees can teach us many processes that enrich our pedagogical approaches. Trees encourage us to collaborate in education rather than compete with one another, because even though the trees fight for light, in the end everyone finds their place in the forest without a leader to say who goes where.

Some trees maintain a space between them known as “shy cracks,” demonstrating respect for nature’s boundaries. This can remind us to teach learners respect for personal and other boundaries.

Trees coexist in harmony, proving that mutual respect can create a more beautiful life. This inspires us to promote harmony and mutual respect in a group.

Trees follow natural cycles and embrace change with calm and complacency. This reminds us to teach students how to respect and understand the natural cycles of life, starting with their own life cycles, for example sleep. Trees are deeply rooted in the earth and symbolize our connection to nature. This can inspire us about the importance of connecting with nature and protecting the environment.

These lessons not only enrich our teaching approaches, but also help us develop a deeper understanding of nature and an understanding of the role of trees in protecting our planet.

Exercises inspired by trees

  • Resilience : Inspired by the ability of trees to withstand harsh weather conditions and continue to grow, it is possible to practice resilience through mindfulness exercises. For example, in a stressful situation, take a moment to breathe deeply and ground yourself, rather than reacting immediately, like a tree standing firm in the middle of a storm.
  • adaptability : Trees adapt to their environment in order to survive. You can practice adaptability by challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Try a new hobby, learn a new skill, or change your routine. Think about your experiences and how the lessons learned apply to other areas of your life.
  • Slow and steady growth : Trees do not accelerate their growth and we could avoid this. We can set realistic goals and celebrate the small successes along the way, practice patience and understand that growth takes time.
  • interdependence : Just as trees in a forest depend on each other and the surrounding ecosystem, people also depend on each other. Team building exercises can help you understand and appreciate the role of others in achieving shared goals.
  • communication : Trees communicate through complex networks often referred to as the “Woodland Web.” To improve your communication skills, you can practice active listening in your daily conversations and make sure you understand others before responding.
  • Cooperation : The trees in a forest cooperate with each other to survive, blocking the wind for others or exchanging information and nutrients through their root systems. Group activities that require collaboration to achieve a common goal can help understand the importance of teamwork.
  • Harmony: Trees coexist in harmony with their surroundings. Mindfulness exercises like meditation can help you achieve inner peace and harmony.
  • Natural cycles : Trees follow natural cycles – they lose their leaves in autumn and grow new ones in spring. Understanding and respecting your own natural rhythms (such as the sleep-wake cycle) can lead to improved health and well-being.
  • Connection to the earth : Trees are literally connected to the earth. Spending time in nature, walking barefoot on grass, or planting a garden can help you feel more grounded and connected to the earth.

Here you will find examples of inspiration and connections to learn the entire lesson from trees. And if you want to go even further, read Paul Boulanger’s documented dissertation on biomimicry and organizations or better yet, attend Biomimexpo 2024, a large gathering of specialists and lovers of biomimicry.



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