New ceasefire in Gaza Rome is spied on by Kim

New ceasefire in Gaza, Rome is spied on by Kim Jong un, Turetta and the others "spiritual vice"Head on crash (4 dead) and other news you need to know to start the day

Good morning from the editorial team. Here’s Start, the news you need to know to start the day: It’s Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The ceasefire continues. The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas will last for two more days: thanks to the tireless mediation of Qatar and Egypt, a new hostage exchange has been agreed. The hypothesis of an agreement is the release of 10 Hamas hostages versus 30 Palestinian prisoners per day. But as Qatar Prime Minister al-Thani tells the Financial Times, much at this stage will depend on Hamas’s ability to identify dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza by civilians and armed gangs. The hostages must be identified in an area that is now devastated and communications are cut off.

TURETTA AND THE “MENTAL VICE”. Today the first interrogation of Filippo Turetta takes place in the Montorio prison in Verona. The 21-year-old will be able to explain what happened on November 11th when he killed his ex-girlfriend Giulia Cecchettin. You may exercise your right not to respond. The investigation is ongoing and it will soon be known whether there are grounds to deny the aggravating circumstance of intent, which could mean a life sentence. According to rumors published today by newspapers, Turetta said he was afraid of the other inmates. The big question looming on the horizon is related to the psychiatric examination that will shape his judicial fate: the certification of partial or total mental disability has a great influence on the imputability or extent of the punishment. Inevitable conflicts and friction. Your lawyer could seek advice from one party, or the plaintiffs could ask the judge for an expert opinion, whereby an impartial expert would assess your conditions.

The clash with the judges. The conflict following Crosetto’s interview about “politicized” judges “conspiring” against the Meloni government (there is no evidence on this issue) is a foretaste of what will happen when the actual parliamentary process of judicial reforms begins. The Council of Ministers has adopted two decrees to advance the reform, we are only at the beginning. Forza Italia wants the separation of careers, each party is looking for a flag to wave in view of the next European elections. There is also a proposal to introduce psychological aptitude tests for entry into the judiciary, which has only been discussed for the time being: But it is an old Berlusconi obsession, and it goes back to none other than Licio Gelli. A sign that a healthy debate about justice is not in sight in Italy.

ROME SPIED BY KIM JONG-UN. A North Korean reconnaissance satellite took detailed photos of the White House, the Pentagon, nuclear aircraft carriers docked at a US naval base, but also of Rome. This was reported by Pyongyang’s state news agency KCNA. Last week, North Korea successfully launched its first reconnaissance satellite designed to monitor the military movements of the United States and South Korea. The images have already been viewed by President Kim Jong-un. Tensions in the region are once again very high; Seoul has already announced a partial suspension of the military agreement with the North. South Korea’s spy agency believes Russia helped Pyongyang launch the satellite in exchange for military aid in Ukraine following a summit between Kim and President Putin.

ACCIDENT IN TARANTO. Serious traffic accident in the Tarantino area, 5 dead and 1 seriously injured. Head-on collision in the Mottola tunnel on the state road 100 Taranto-Bari, four army soldiers among the victims. The town has experienced several serious traffic accidents in the past, many of them fatal.

I would like to briefly point out:

Strikes preceded it. New round in the conflict between Minister Salvini and the unions. The news is not official yet, but there is no doubt. The Northern League minister is also preparing to prepare for the next public transport strike that the Cobas have called for Friday December 15: “I will do everything that the law allows me to do to avoid the inconvenience around “To reduce Christmas to a minimum.”

Bad weather warning. New wave of storms in Italy, with thunderstorms mainly in the center and south. Yellow warning today in nine regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Lazio, Molise, Sicily, Tuscany and Umbria. Orange alert for storms and strong winds on the coasts of Tuscany, schools closed in the Livorno area.

MAXI CHANGE. The government’s maxi-amendment is almost ready to correct Article 33 of the measure, which cuts the pensions of 732,000 public servants in twenty years, including 55,000 doctors. For this we need 2 billion immediately. Some will still lose years of contributions. The risk lies in the double unconstitutionality of the retroactive regulation. Since it has only been removed from some categories, the goal is to word it in a way that will limit the exemption to physicians and some others over time. There will be controversy, that’s for sure.

BILLS AND FEES. 5 million families out of a total of 9.5 million households will no longer be able to benefit from the Energy Authority’s tariffs in the next few months, but will have to deal with the free market and certainly higher tariffs. Risk of price increases for electricity and gas, we explain everything in this article.

TAX DAY. Tax day at the end of the year is approaching. November 30th will be a day of deadlines between tax advance payments, declarations, regular VAT payments and the submission of the income form over 68 obligations that bind traders and individuals.

Minor migrants. The government is extending the detention period for migrant children: from 30 days to 45 days for those under 16 years of age, while the detention period for those aged 16 and over is increasing from 90 to 150 days. The integration of around 20,000 to 25,000 young people per year, numbers that are theoretically largely manageable in a 21st century Western democracy, is becoming increasingly complicated. They are inevitably pushed towards secrecy and crime.

BREAKTHROUGH WHILE SMOKING. New Zealand, the first country in the world to ban smoking (it had banned the purchase of cigarettes for anyone born after 2008 from next year), is sensationally backtracking and allowing sales without restrictions. The Conservative government says state profits from “blondes” packages will be used to deliver tax cuts promised at the last election.

Pneumonia boom. In China there is a boom in pneumonia in children due to a bacterium that is also widespread in our country at certain times, mycoplasma pneumonia: in France there is a 36% increase in pneumonia in children under 15 years old, in Italy there is no alarm.

Nurse PETRILLO. For Emanuela Petrillo, the nurse convicted for administering physiological solutions instead of the vaccine to 187 children in Veneto between 2009 and 2016, the sentence was halved. The eight and a half years in the first instance were shortened to four. As a mother of two small children, she will be able to avoid prison. The motive remains a mystery; he had never expressed ideas against vaccines.

TIKTOK LIKE AMAZON. TikTok will quickly move into selling products over the internet, a service that has already launched in the US, UK, Philippines and Vietnam. The strength of TikTok is its simplicity. In these pilot countries, the Chinese platform offers a special app reserved for sellers. Amazon is shaking.

ALLEVI IN SANREMO. The musician and composer Giovanni Allevi, who has long been committed to the fight against a serious illness, will be a guest at the Sanremo Festival on February 7th and will be on stage in a performance that promises to be very touching: “I will “The voice of many warriors who endure suffering carries, in the depths of my heart, a message of strong connection to life.”

I wish you a nice day today.