Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Tribute in Lebanon to martyr journalists and in support of Palestine

A week after the murder of journalist Farah Omar, cameraman Rabih Al-Maamari and employee Hussein Aquil, the multimedia platform will organize a ceremony honoring the fallen on the way to Jerusalem.

At the event, former Egyptian presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi and Cuban internationalist doctor Aleida Guevara will speak on behalf of the free people of the world.

Lebanon’s Interim Government Information Minister Ziad Makary and Palestinian political activist Laila Khaled will also speak.

The commemoration will bring together the relatives of the Al-Mayadeen martyrs as well as foreign diplomatic representatives and political leaders, organizations and religious leaders.

The president of the network’s board, Ghassan Ben Jeddou, lamented the loss of colleagues and stressed that the Zionist entity will not be able to silence the voice of Al Mayadeen, which, with its journalists, “who present themselves as patriots will prove, continue”. committed to this reporting.

The director reiterated the journalistic priority of reporting on the crimes of the occupation in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.

By the way, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry has filed a complaint with the United Nations Security Council about the Israeli attack on Al-Mayadeen journalists.

In the indictment, the ministry included evidence that the Tel Aviv armed forces committed this crime on Lebanese territory and at a great distance from the Blue Line on the border with occupied Palestine.

At the same time, the army confirmed Tel Aviv’s responsibility for the crime against the press team that was attacked by drones during an Israeli bombing raid on the city of Tayr Harfa while reporting on events in the south of the country.

During the condolence ceremonies, several personalities, authorities, politicians and media expressed their grief for the martyrs of Al Mayadeen and condemned Israeli brutality in an attempt to silence the voices and cover up their monstrosity.
