Voices from Gaza The ceasefire has given us some relief

Voices from Gaza “The ceasefire has given us some relief after weeks of…

Voices from Gaza The ceasefire has given us some relief

There humanitarian ceasefirewhich began on the 24th and lasted until November 30th, represents for the population Gaza Strip a moment of peace and relief after almost 50 days of war and bombings. The opportunity to get to know your family and try to get water and gas. “There are queues everywhere: to get bread, to get water for their families or to fill gas bottles,” says one employee Oxfam. “This pause has given all Palestinians a chance to recover. For the past few weeks we have lived with the relentless noise of bombing. Now you go out onto the street and all you see is rubble. A ceasefire is not enough for reconstruction, a final ceasefire is needed.”

The story is part of a series of daily statements from Oxfam operators and managers in Gaza that ilfattoquotidiano.it plans to publish. The aim is to provide a daily, first-person report from civilians in Gaza who are currently paying the highest price for the conflict.

THE PETITION – Without an immediate ceasefire, there will be no significant humanitarian aid. For this reason, Oxfam has made an urgent appeal to the Italian government and European leaders, which you can join at https://www.oxfamitalia.org/petizione-gaza/.