1701224331 London Russian troops continue to advance near Avdiivka

London: Russian troops continue to advance near Avdiivka

Thousands of deaths within two kilometers of London: Russian troops continue to advance near Avdiivka

November 28, 2023, 6:10 pm Listen to the article

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Over the past two months, Russian troops near Avdiivka have made small gains on the ground with massive losses, according to British intelligence. It is also said that there have been advances in recent days. Ukraine still maintains a kilometer-long corridor.

According to British estimates, Russian troops continued to advance on the city of Avdiivka, in the east of the country, in their war of aggression against Ukraine. Russian units have made further small advances in recent days in their attempt to encircle the city in a pincer movement, the British Ministry of Defense said, citing intelligence. Since the beginning of October, the Russians have advanced up to two kilometers here.

“Although modest, these advances represent the largest Russian gains in ground since the spring of 2023,” he said in London. “They cost the units involved thousands of casualties.” According to British military experts, Moscow’s overall losses at the front have been greater in recent weeks than ever before in the Russian war of aggression. The Ukrainian General Staff’s figures that an average of more than 900 Russian soldiers were killed or wounded every day in November cannot be verified, but they are plausible.

Moscow’s armed forces recently carried out “more than 150 attacks” against Ukrainian positions in villages around Avdiivka, London said. The Russians are therefore constantly approaching an industrial complex that produces fuel coke and various chemicals and is one of the Ukrainians’ main defensive positions. However, Ukraine still controls a corridor approximately seven kilometers wide through which it supplies the city.

Also advance near Kupyansk

View of the Avdiivka chemical and coke industrial complex, which the Russian armed forces are approaching.

View of the Avdiivka chemical and coke industrial complex, which the Russian armed forces are approaching.


The Russian army has recently managed to achieve smaller successes elsewhere: the Kiev military recently warned of the danger of a new capture of the industrial city of Kupyansk, in the Kharkiv region, given the ongoing Russian offensive in the east of the country. Kupyansk is located about 200 kilometers from Avdiivka.

“The Russian occupiers have not given up their intention to attack the city of Kupyansk, they want to occupy it again,” Ukrainian army spokesman Volodymyr Fityo said on television. In recent weeks, Russian troops in northeastern Ukraine have regained the initiative and gained ground.