Senate approves Bolivias accession to Mercosur

Senate approves Bolivia’s accession to Mercosur

Brazil was the only member of the bloc that had not yet agreed to the agreement; Project seeks ratification by Lula

The Federal Senate approved this Tuesday (November 28, 2023) by symbolic vote the draft of Legislative Decree 745 of 2017, which allows the effective accession of Bolivia to Mercosur (Southern Common Market). The text goes to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) for ratification. Senators Cleitinho (PLMG) and Eduardo Girão (NovoCE) voted against the proposal.

The project’s rapporteur, Senator Chico Rodrigues (PSBRR), said the accession was important for “expanding” trade relations in South America. “No less important is the opening or expansion of the market for Brazilian companies with the opportunity to do so.” “We are using cheaper energy,” he said in the report. Here is the full text (PDF 323 kB).

The South American country has been in the process of effective membership since 2015. Accession depended on the approval of the national congresses of the bloc’s permanent countries: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Venezuela is also a member of the group but has been suspended since 2016. Brazil was the only member of the union that had not yet agreed to the agreement.

Bolivia’s accession protocol was signed in Brasília on July 17, 2015, during the government of former President Dilma Rousseff (PT). The text was then forwarded by the executive to the National Congress.

The proposal was approved by the Chamber’s Foreign Relations Committee in September 2018 during the government of Michel Temer (MDB). However, the analysis of the process did not progress during the term of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) due to political differences with the Bolivian government. It started again this year and was approved by MPs on October 18.


Following ratification by Lula, Bolivia must gradually adopt the current normative Mercosur agreement from the date of accession, with a maximum period of four years. The country must also adopt the bloc’s common Mercosur nomenclature, common external tariff and rules of origin during the same period.


Senators also approved a request from Senator Cid Gomes (PDTCE) to establish a temporary commission with five congressmen. The Commission must carry out an onsite review of the political and social situation in Bolivia within a period of 6 months.