The former king of the paparazzi adds details to the dynamics of the relationship between Pupone and the presenter with his indiscretions and names an alleged lover.
Published on: November 29, 2023 08:24:00
Professional journalist
Silence, the sea and the book of restlessness on the bedside table are a must in my life, along with a novel by Zafon.
There End of Wedding Between Francis Totti and Ilary Blasi still has power. After Truth according to Ilary, told in documentary Netflix Unique, advert Eat The Gossip he’s still thinking about it Fabrizio Crown. The former king of the paparazzi, with his Indiscretionsadds details on the dynamics of the relationship between Pupone and the presenter: after revealing yesterday an alleged betrayal on her part to Alessio La Padula, former dancer of Amici di Maria De Filippi, he promised that he would do the same today First name of the famous ‘Coffee guy‘, which is mentioned in one Consequence of the documentary. The promise was kept, and Corona revealed the truth on his Dillinger News portal.
Who is the “coffee boy” with whom Blasi allegedly cheated on Totti?
Unique, that documentary Netflixs Hilary Blasi and be Truth on the divorce with Francesco Totti, remains in conversation. In one of the episodes the earlier letter tells of one outbreak of football player after discovery that the woman had taken one Coffee with a Boy To Milanon one of her business trips, accompanied by her friend Alessia Solidani. Today Fabrizio Corona puts his finger on it again and does it First name of what’s happening in the news “The Coffee Boy”.
It would be approximately Christian Iovinoknown as personal Trainerand the name, as the Dillinger website reports, has already found favor in an old version Consequence by Non è l’Arena “During one of the special programs about Mario Caucci (ex-husband and father of Noemi Bocchi’s children)”. According to Corona, Iovino is not a personal trainer, but a “homeless traveler”, but above all the well-informed former king of the paparazzi Definitely than between “the coffee boy” and Ilary Blasi There was just a simple rendezvous, but an “adventure”:
Before the meeting, which Ilary described as a simple coffee at the boy’s house near Milan Central Station, the two had already met in Milan. In fact, it was precisely at the time of the presenter’s rise that she made up some excuse not to return to Rome to her husband Francesco. It was precisely at this time that the former letter girl began to enjoy life and her intellectual independence.
Always second Fabrizio CrownFinally: “The story between Ilary and Cristiano was not a love story. But simply an adventure, pure fun, to transcend and perhaps live life. In fact, the story didn’t last,” and if before the documentary the two were in good relationships “Not anymore”.