Bukele announces he will apply for a license to campaign for his re election

Nayib Bukele will ask Congress for permission to fully devote himself to the campaign for his re-election. A total of 6.1 million Salvadorans are eligible to vote in the February 4, 2024 presidential and legislative elections, including thousands living abroad.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele announced Tuesday that he will ask Congress for permission to fully devote himself to his campaign for re-election in the Feb. 4 election, in which he is the heavy favorite Start goes.

“In about three days, I will ask the Legislative Assembly for permission to devote myself to the election campaign and no, I will not serve as president,” Bukele said before nearly a hundred of his government officials gathered at the presidential house.

He clarified that although he would be off duty during the six-month leave, he would have more time to evaluate the work of government officials. “I will have 24 hours a day to ask how it is. Don’t think there won’t be any oversight,” he said.

Also read that Bukele calls for a humanitarian corridor for Salvadoran transporters stranded in Panama

The president said one of his biggest fears was “leaving a bad legacy.” When Bukele announced the start of work on the Corruption Confinement Center, he recalled that there are imprisoned presidents and other refugees, but most are remembered as thieves.

“I don’t steal because I don’t want to be remembered as a thief or a corrupt person,” he said.

“I will not be the president who did not steal but surrounded himself with thieves. They should remember me as the president who did not steal and let no one steal, and whoever stole he put in prison. There is already a couple who are already in prison,” he added.

Cabinet inquiry

During the event on national radio and television, Bukele asked Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado to conduct an investigation against all members of his cabinet.

“He is not in the executive branch and he is here for a very simple reason, and that is because I want to ask him publicly that we investigate back and forth against everyone who is here,” Bukele said.

PANORAMA | Why is Bukele so popular in El Salvador?

Delgado, for his part said in his report on “They were also wrong. Anyone who has committed a crime will be prosecuted and that’s all.”

Although the constitution prohibits the re-election of the president, the Supreme Court decides set in 2021 that the president can take part in the elections for the second time and that the people will make the decision.

The decision of the board is Subject of widespread controversythere lawyers and opposition parties They consider it unconstitutional and they tried to stop the Supreme Electoral Court from registering Bukele, but the court rejected all of their challenges.

Also read: Why did Nayib Bukele not pursue constitutional reform for his re-election?

According to the resolution, Bukele must request a six-month vacation before the start of his next term, scheduled for June 1, before ending his term to participate in the presidential election campaign.

According to the latest polls, 70.8% of the population supports Bukele’s government, 72.6% believe that the president’s image has improved, 97.7% believe that violence has decreased and 81.8% believe that the president’s image has improved the exception regime It helped a lot in controlling the crime rate.