German Bundestag discusses faster naturalizations and deportations

German Bundestag discusses faster naturalizations and deportations

The traffic light coalition wants to negotiate planned migration policy reforms on Thursday.

This Thursday, the German Bundestag will discuss two more components of the migration policy reforms announced by the traffic light coalition. Naturalization must be accelerated and facilitated for some population groups. A second project, which the SPD (Social Democrats) and the Greens agreed on in principle, envisages changes that aim to ensure that deportations no longer fail so often at the last moment.

The first discussions are now underway in the plenary session on the planned new nationality law and the “Return Improvement Law”. This means that details can still be changed during the parliamentary process. However, the FDP has already stressed that it intends to remain firm on one point: with the exception of elderly people who came to the Federal Republic of Germany as so-called guest workers or to the GDR as contract workers, no one who lives entirely or partially dependent on welfare social status should be naturalized.

The project on returns foresees, among other things, extending the maximum duration of exit custody from the current 10 to 28 days. In addition, expanded powers are planned for authorities and tougher measures against smugglers.

Although the Union considers these changes to be positive, it still sees major problems overall. “The bill was only possible through concessions to the Greens in the area of ​​access to the labor market for those who are forced to leave the country,” said the group’s deputy leader, Andrea Lindholz. But, in practice, this is exactly what creates new obstacles to deportations, criticized the CSU politician.