transport study The Montreal network is cheaper than elsewhere

transport study | Montreal is cheaper than elsewhere, answers STM –

No, public transport in the metropolis of Quebec is not more expensive than in Toronto or Vancouver, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) answers researchers who are concerned about the high costs of Quebec’s transport networks compared to those in the rest of Canada.

Updated yesterday at 9:06 p.m.


“If we ignore the costs associated with paying down debt, the STM’s operating costs are actually $6.87 per kilometer driven, the lowest cost of the three major networks and a cost similar to the Canadian average of $6.65. Dollars per kilometer,” emphasizes company spokeswoman Amélie Régis in an email.

She was responding to a study by HEC Montréal researchers Jonathan Deslauriers, Robert Gagné, Anne-Gabrielle Gendron and Jonathan Paré, who compared the costs of 23 public transport companies in Canada, including 5 in Quebec, namely Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Quebec and Gatineau.

According to the researchers, Montreal has the most expensive network in terms of operating costs per kilometer driven, at $9.63 per kilometer, compared to $9.56 in Vancouver and $7.54 in Toronto. According to researchers’ calculations, the distance between Montreal and Toronto is 28%.

However, to compare operating costs per kilometer, the researchers used “an indicator that includes expenses related to debt service,” an element that “is not linked to productivity and distorts the comparison since not all networks record these costs report the same way.” “regrets the STM in its response.

“In Toronto, debt service is handled directly by the city and not by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC),” continues Ms. Régis, who regrets that “the same methodological problem arises for all Quebecois networks.” “We will contact the authors of the study to take stock and request a correction,” she said.

Different realities

In the study by HEC Montréal professors, the four Quebec companies compared that do not have a subway network are significantly higher than the Canadian average ($6.65 per kilometer). Ultimately, researchers estimate that Quebec spends $8.09 for each kilometer traveled on its buses, 22% more than average, compared to $7.85 for Gatineau, $7.47 for Laval and $7 .22 US dollars for Longueuil.

However, “we cannot compare networks whose size and reality are so different,” complains the STM on this topic. “The only comparison regions relevant for the STM network are Vancouver and Toronto, in particular because of the presence of heavy transport modes and the size and density of the urban area served,” emphasizes Amélie Régis.

This confirms that the Montreal transit agency can only be compared to studies “in which we analyze similar-sized subway and bus systems in different cities around the world.”

The study is also being questioned by the Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority (ARTM). “The provision of services takes place on a site that has its own specific characteristics, a more or less dense urban fabric, different modes of transport, etc. and it is sometimes tempting to compare data without taking into account the very different operating conditions and financing structures,” notes spokesman Simon Charbonneau.

He reiterated that his group had taken a clear position “on the need to increase the performance of public transport”. This spring also saw the launch of optimization projects “aimed at performing better, achieving more and achieving the best costs,” notes Mr. Charboneau, who specifies that “this exercise will continue to explore opportunities for further, recurring “To explore optimization”.

The office of Transport Minister Geneviève Guilbault generally welcomes the message that the study sends. “We need to improve the efficiency of our transport companies. As stated in the study, operational efficiency is one of the most important approaches to improving the services and finances of transport companies. Our actions are in line with this,” the minister’s communications director, Maxime Roy, said on Wednesday.

All this comes as Ms. Guilbault will soon have to conduct performance audits across the ten carriers. ARTM’s finances are also being audited by Quebec. The goal: “to ensure that every dollar invested in public transport is used optimally,” emphasizes Mr. Roy.