Israel Hamas, seventh day of ceasefire. Attack in Jerusalem. LIVE

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is convinced that it is “in the interest of the European Union” to recognize the Palestinian state, a step he considers necessary to both end the Israeli-Palestinian war and “stabilize” the region “. “It is obvious that we need to find a political solution to put an end to this crisis and that solution, in my opinion, includes the recognition of the Palestinian state,” assured the Spanish Prime Minister in an interview with public television Rtve. This recognition is “in the interest of Europe”, for “moral reasons, because what we see in Gaza is unacceptable”, but also “geopolitical”, because it will contribute to the stabilization” of the region. In the event of failure to reach an agreement within the EU, the Spanish Prime Minister, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Council, has not ruled out the possibility of unilateral recognition by Madrid.