Rebecca Staffelli condemns Mr Rizzus for the sexist song about

Rebecca Staffelli condemns Mr. Rizzus for the sexist song about her: "I had to move because of insults" Virgil news

Rebecca StaffelliSocial commentator of Big Brother and daughter of Striscia La NOTEia’s correspondent Valerio Staffellisaid she was forced to move because of the insults she received after the trapper released a song Mr. Rizzus.

What happened between Rebecca Staffelli and Mr. Rizzus

As the “Corriere della Sera” reports, Rebecca Staffelli two people reported. the trapper Mr. Rizzus, author of the song, and another young Lombard who would have suggested the song again on Instagram. The two defendants have made different procedural decisions: the trapper will be tried in an abbreviated procedure in January, while the other young man has opted for the ordinary procedure.

In the courtroom in Monza, Rebecca Staffelli said:

“I didn’t know this song existed until I saw this stranger on social media singing the phrase about me. A Incitement to violence that has caused great fear in me because he incited others to harm me and what followed Insults and threats from others who had participated in a chain. I had to move, I was afraid to go out alone“.

The dispute is about a song published online. The excerpt from the song is:

“20900 (Monza zip code, ed.) Criminals, sch… Staffelli’s daughter“.

Rebecca Staffelli.

The previous controversy between Mr. Rizzus and Valerio Staffelli

The attack on the girl began, as the “Corriere della Sera” reconstructed and then reported, by one previous controversy between the trapper and Valerio Staffelli and Striscia La NOTEIAfound “guilty” of offering some services highlighting Italian rap lyrics related to drug use.

As the “Corriere della Sera” reports again, the trapper is said to have started it Threats and unpleasant phrases against Valerio Staffelli, then extended to his privacy.

They were born out of discomfort two proceduresIn one case, Mr. Rizzus is being investigated for stalking Valerio and Rebecca Staffelli, which is currently pending before the Monza judge Gianluca Tenchio, and in the other case for defamation, only against the girl.

Precedent of Mr. Rizzus with Vittorio Brumotti

It is not the first time that the trapper Mr. Rizzus gets into a controversy with a protagonist of Striscia La NOTEia. In the past, some of his words were directed at Vittorio Brumotti after his report on the drug trade in Monza.

In an interview with “Adnkronos” in April 2021, Mr. Rizzus said: “It was wrong to write these things to him in the chat. I felt provoked by his answers, but that’s no excuse.” A written back and forth followed, but I didn’t threaten him or his girlfriend.

The trapper then added: “I don’t want to blame others, but I just want to point out that it’s not right to put the same blame on ourselves.” I wasn’t in Monza, I don’t appear in the TV report, I never mentioned acid being used against a person. I admit that I made a mistake when I wrote offensive words, that I was not clear at that moment, but in two years I have changed and I no longer meet with those who use my name for entertainment ” “have used.”

Mr. Rizzus had also stated: “Now my only goal is music: I am working on two music projects, an important label is letting me release a record. I’m trying to change. I’m more mature now, even if I remain a boy with transgressive lyrics.

Photo source: IPA