Since he cant find accommodation in Cap Chat he sleeps in

Since he can’t find accommodation in Cap-Chat, he sleeps in a tent – TVA Nouvelles

A Cap-Chat man waiting for affordable housing has to sleep in a tent a few days a week because he has no alternative.

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Yan Dumont, who has not had an easy life, has to resign himself to sleeping outside in makeshift accommodation.

The man cannot benefit from one of the three social housing units currently available in Cap-Chat. These have four bedrooms and cannot be offered for individuals or couples.

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“The HLMs that currently exist here are made for families. But if you are in a situation like me! At least give me one for the winter! They offer to arrange private accommodation for me, which I pay for with 25% of my income, and they pay the difference to the owner. But there are no private apartments in Cap-Chat,” complains Mr. Dumont.

Instead, he was offered an apartment in another community, where he does not want to return.

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“That’s where I did all my stupid things to end up in prison. I don’t want to go back there, it’s a just life I’m building. This is living [qui manque] “He destroys everything I build,” complains the former prisoner.

He even wondered if he should return to prison to spend a warm winter.

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Mr. Dumont is second on a list of 18 waiting households in this community of 3,500.

He also sleeps with one of his sisters for two days and with another for two days.

Across the province, there are 39,000 households waiting for public housing and nearly 300 public housing units are available.

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