Deborah Evelyn mourns her husbands death quotThe love of my

Deborah Evelyn mourns her husband’s death: "The love of my life" es

01/12/2023 9:55 p.m., updated 01/12/2023 9:55 p.m

This year, Deborah Evelyn had to say goodbye to her husband, the German Detlev Schneider, due to cancer. The actress, who is recording the remake of Dona Beja for HBO Max, recalled the departure of her partner in an interview for the Play column of the newspaper O Globo. “I lost the love of my life,” he said.

“This person who I shared my life with and who, in theory, shouldn’t be leaving so quickly. “It was a very special meeting,” she added when asked how she was dealing with her grief.

Deborah emphasized that entering the studio was a big help in putting nostalgia aside: “I don’t know if it’s a cure, but it’s the only way to go. I don’t do anything other than work.”


The artist further assured that acting in the series is one of her current motivations. “That’s what gets me out of bed: knowing that I’m going to meet good and talented people when I record. “I think if I didn’t have this soap opera right now, I wouldn’t know where I would be,” he assured.

1/8Deborah Evelyn appeared in a rare moment at the side of her husband and daughter ▲Her husband is the German Detlev Schneider ▲Detlev and Deborah have been together since 2004 ▲Her daughter is Luiza Carvalho, the result of her relationship with Dennis Carvalho ▲Congratulations to the family! ▲Deborah Evelyn ▲12345678

Deborah Evelyn and Detlev Schneider had been together for 10 years, but lived in different countries: the girl in Brazil and he in Germany. Recently, Evelyn even commented on the distance from her lover. “We spend a lot of time here and there. At first I thought it was crazy, but I realized it worked. Our relationship no longer has the thermal feeling it had 10 years ago. It always feels like a new relationship,” he said.