Four Hamas hostages – from elderly grandfather to kindergarten teacher

Four Hamas hostages – from elderly grandfather to kindergarten teacher – die in captivity: Israel – New York Post


Israel war 2023

Published December 1, 2023, 4:59 p.m. ET

Four Hamas hostages – including an elderly grandfather and a kindergarten teacher – died in captivity, Israel said on Friday.

Kibbutz Nir Oz wrote on its Facebook page that the deceased, all of whom lived in its community, included: Grandpa Aryeh Zalmanovich, 85; Kindergarten teacher and mother of four children Maya Goren, 56, and photographer Ronen Engel, 54.

Israel Defense Forces confirmed that death and that of Eliyahu Margalit, whose daughter was just released from Hamas custody on Thursday, according to the Times of Israel.

Israel did not say how or when the four died, but said they died while in captivity in Gaza.

“This is according to a team of experts from the Ministry of Health [Abu Kabir Forensic Institute]“The Chief Rabbi and the Ministry of Religious Affairs declared her death based on accumulated intelligence and intelligence,” said IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari Hagari.

Zalmanovich was one of the kibbutz’s founders and the father of two children, according to a tribute post.

“Aryeh was a man of the land all his life, involved in agriculture and crops. “A man of books and with extensive knowledge of history and the country,” the post says.

Grandfather Aryeh Zalmanovich, 85, was a father of two and a lover of books. via Portal Kindergarten teacher Maya Goren, 56, was a mother of four and a “dedicated” teacher. Ronen Engel, 54, was a photographer, Magen David Adom volunteer and motorcycle enthusiast. Through Portal, the IDF also confirmed the death of Eliyahu Margalit, who was captured while tending to his horses. Family photo

Goren is a “hard-working and committed kindergarten teacher and nanny” who “lovingly looked after the kibbutz children for many years,” says another post about the mother of four children.

According to Kibbutz Nir Oz, her husband Avner Goren was killed on October 7, the day the war began. During the Palestinian terror group’s surprise attack on Israel, kibbutzes such as Nir Oz were raided and many of their residents killed or taken hostage.

Engel was a photographer, Magen David Adom volunteer and motorcycle enthusiast.

His wife and two daughters were released from captivity earlier this week, the kibbutz said.

Hamas released more than 100 hostages during the seven-day ceasefire in exchange for the release of prisoners held in Israeli facilities. AFP via Getty Images

Margalit was kidnapped on October 7 as he went to Nir Oz to feed his horses.

His daughter Nili Margalit, 41, was released from captivity on Thursday, according to the Times of Israel.

Hamas released more than 100 hostages during the seven-day ceasefire in exchange for prisoners being released from Israeli facilities.

The ceasefire ended Friday morning and fighting began again almost immediately.

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