The tenants discuss their goals Big Brother 2023 Girlfriend

The tenants discuss their goals Big Brother 2023 | Girlfriend Big Brother

In the hall the tenants gathered, led by Will bePut yourself to the test with a game that will help you open up and get to know each other better.

The actress begins with a simple yet complicated question: What is her goal, her need?

The dance begins Cornflower, who is sure in her answer: “Singing and being a mother,” she says without hesitation. Nothing else actually happens in his life.

We continue Rosie which reaffirms his generosity. His need is to make others feel good, and cooking is one of his favorite ways to create well-being. However, the experience in the House of Representatives changed his priorities and he decided to do a little self-reflection.

Marco For him, sport always comes first, but he doesn’t see it as a competition against others, but rather as a challenge against himself.

Joseph He enjoys work, he does two jobs that he loves, and being busy makes him happy. At the moment he doesn’t want to think about the future, but rather enjoy the moment and the experience in the house.

The conversation continues pearl who had to change her life goals. She transitioned from sports to entrepreneurship and today hopes to create her own clothing line. “The pearl you see today is not the same as it was five months ago,” he says of near-term challenges. His intention is therefore to become more mature.

Joy He hopes to one day work in the art world to spread his message of lightness around the world, while Massimiliano has always dreamed of being free. “Be what I feel like I should be,” sums it up.

Also MirkoLike Rosy, he wants to put himself first again so he can feel good about himself. However, his long-term dream is a happy family.

He is similar to him Paulwho want to lead a peaceful life without economic problems.

Still a bit confused, winner he failed to find a real target. He looks for it because he considers it fundamental, but for now his wish is to never stop dreaming.

Alex It’s more succinct: His will is to love his wife and children forever and to keep alive the fire that drives him to train.

Like Vittorio, Beatrice She always felt torn between rationality and love of art. She never dealt with it. The only common denominator he recognized was a strong spirituality.

Sara comes full circle and hopes to open a center for struggling women.

Once the tour is finished, the tenants move on to other exercises so they can get to know each other better and understand each other a little better.