1701518910 Ms LeBel we have to tackle the problem head on

Ms. LeBel, we have to tackle the problem head on! – The Journal de Montreal

Could she sacrifice herself to save her “father”? Eloquent and courageous, this LeBel, but when the speech sounds falser than the horns that support us outside, one wonders if the beast is not their best ally. His boss would have to intervene in the negotiations and tie his lips with his boots. He who boasted in 2018 about being an “effective, humane government…”!

Despite the cold and the media storm, we are there every day. We stand firm against the storm that is sinking our public schools. School dropouts are at their peak, and if it is our students who are paying the price, it is our teachers who are dropping out of school and leaving the profession.

Sometimes to go into the private sector, sometimes to find recognition elsewhere. If we find ourselves with empty pockets, it is because we are used to this poverty in the school system.

Medical education system

LeBel is proud to be the black sheep of his family, a lineage of teachers! Really? Didn’t she take the time to listen to them before trying to negotiate? His presence at Tout le monde entalk leaves a bitter aftertaste. A ready-made speech, followed by the same arguments: “We will find solutions, we will find ways…”. Which Madame LeBel? Which?

You yourself have admitted that teachers will not be happier despite the salary catch-up. The only good consciousness! The education system is sick and money helps, but doesn’t make you happy.

We want our services to be comprehensive. We want educational success to be truly at the heart of our priorities. Not just on paper, but in reality! Our classes are overcrowded, our resources are dwindling, our resources are lacking… The number of students with difficulties in groups is exploding. Our teaching conditions no longer allow us to help both weak and strong students progress.

And it’s not classroom help that will solve the problem. It’s like someone cut off both of my legs and offered me crutches. Instead of trying to set up a diachylon, let’s address the basic problem. It is the composition of the class that needs to be checked. We call for the reopening of special courses for students with special needs and allophones. We ask that you receive treatment appropriate to the student’s situation. Is that too much?

Class help

When I started teaching over 20 years ago, I had one or two special needs students in the class. I had a full time TES accompanying her. The others attended special classes with a teacher trained in special education.

Today, it is the regular teacher who has to juggle students with special needs without assistance, sometimes for more than two-thirds of the class. When the teacher ends up exhausted trying to help, it is our strong students who are no longer able to reach their full potential. We don’t want these Classroom Aid associations that are being forced on us, but rather the right service, adapted from the start. Because broken legs and crutches can’t make us forget!

LeBel calls for openness in work organization. You’re taking the words out of my mouth. It is still surprising that the President of the Treasury did not see fit to invite the FAE this Wednesday when she met the Common Front. Perhaps it was the beast’s red fury that made him hesitate? With its 80,000 members, the beast will last as long as it takes! With the Beast holed up in his dilapidated castle, he has the patience to break free from the political spell he has fallen under!

Ms. LeBel, we have to tackle the problem head on!

Photo provided by Mélanie Frappier

Melanie Frappier, Secondary school teacher, metropolitan area