At Cop28 the three card game of the world’s greats: They announce renewable energies, they don’t give up…

The shell game at Cop 28 in Dubai: extendable, Money And nuclear. The bar is higher on the first front, but they are there Ambitions that not everyone likes India And China primarily. USA And Franceamong other things, take action against them Moneybut on the farewell front Fossils There will not be much progress: it will be gradual and at most (but it is not even a given) only affect coal. The other card, the one from nuclearwaved – international consensus building – as a necessary way to achieve this Net zero emissions by 2050. Between one high level meeting and the next, even on the third day of Policeman 28 There was no shortage of announcements. There are 118 countries that have committed to this triple The ability to renewable energy in the world by 2030, an opportunity missed so far by China and India, which have not yet signed despite the commitments made at the G20 summit. The United States joined today along with 6 other countries Powering Past Coal Alliance (which already includes 56 nations) and promised to close all of its coal-fired power plants. But together with France and other countries the USA They push for the energy of the atom. A total of 22 have committed to tripling their capacity by 2050. There is no Italy like this referendumHowever, where there are interests, as the Prime Minister herself confirmed to Cop, Georgie Melons. Another sore point is thisDecarbonization Charter‘, signed by fifty oil and gas companies, but they also exist various critical topics. So much so that activists are asking to focus on the outcome of the EU-led negotiations Diplomats and which the media cannot attend, even more so than the flood of announcements.

Triple renewable energy, towards 11,000 gigawatts by 2030 – On the other hand, it had already been widely predicted that commitments would be made at COP28 extendable. The promise made by G20 leaders in September, whose countries emit 80% of all emissions Emissions of greenhouse gases. However, concrete commitments with targets for individual sectors must now be transferred to them Decision textincluding agreed implementation paths, such as: financing and technical support. According to analysts, this will triple renewable energy This decade, 90% of this new capacity will come from wind and solar energy. “With a quantifiable goal of 11,000 gigawatts “If we accelerate the expansion of renewable capacity by 2030, it will be an advance on the vague goals of net zero emissions in the distant future,” he commented Joyce leeresponsible for policies and projects of Global Wind Energy Council. But the fact that China and India have not signed is a missed opportunity for everyone. Some African countries have already planned concrete goals: the Kenya The goal is to increase its renewable energy capacity to 100 gigawatts by 2050 Senegal plans to increase the share of renewable energy to 40% by 2030.

The role of China, negotiations open – “The lion’s share of it Solar capacity and the wind farm under construction is in China,” he commented Shradhey Prasad, Project Manager for the Global Wind Power Tracker at Global Energy Monitor. At 326 GW, it has 170% more than the rest of the world combined, “and these are expected to be operational in a year or two.” But why then? China And India (which is also powered by renewable energy) not yet signed? The answer lies in the obligation: whoever signs also acknowledges that I Energy systems must be free of “unabated” fossil fuels (whose emissions are not tracked) before or by 2050, which will lead to a gradual reduction in coal power and the end of Investments in new coal-fired power plants (in these last two cases we also speak of the production of “unreduced” emissions). All of this still needs to be agreed to arrive at a final text. It cannot therefore be ruled out that China’s signature could be in return for the reduction Ambitions.

USA and France against coal, but in the front row for nuclear power – But the third day of the cop was also the day of the announcement United States Join the Powering Past Coal Alliance and commit to phasing out coal power plants Coal, which accounts for about 40% of fossil fuel emissions). This means that the United States They committed not to build any new coal-fired power plants and to phase out existing ones. An exact date for the closure of the plants was not given, but previous measures remained in force Biden and other international commitments made, which Performance This target is set for 2035, five years after the 2030 date considered consistent with maintaining the target global warming below 1.5°C. Among other things, the Biden administration just approved a rule to reduce the… Emissions of methane. This is a measure that was launched at Biden’s proposal at COP 26 Scotland, expanded last year. It would now expand to include emissions from existing oil and gas wells level Nationalrather than just focusing on new wells and, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will dramatically reduce methane and other harmful air pollutants produced by the oil and gas industry. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen He recalled that ten EU member states are already coal-free and another ten will gradually phase out coal by 2030. Also on topic Macron He intervened clearly: “The G7 countries must set an example and.” dedicate yourself to say goodbye to coal by 2030. France will maintain its commitment until 2027, i.e. during my time Presidency“. France and the USA are therefore against coal. In favor of nuclear. 22 countries are calling for this at COP 28 triple Nuclear energy by 2050 to achieve net zero emissions. “We are not suggesting that this will absolutely be a radical alternative to any other energy source. But we know it scientific evidence – he said John KerryUS climate envoy – that without this it is not possible to reach net zero in 2050 nuclear“. Also among the signatories United Arab Emirates UnitedJapan, United Kingdom, but it is in Belgium that the first world summit nuclear. Prime Minister Meloni also spoke about nuclear energy, particularly fusion, at the COP.

The global charter of decarbonization, rain of criticism – Another initiative that was particularly discussed was the founding by the Presidency by Cop28 by Global Charter for Decarbonization. Fifty oil and gas companies have signed it: 20 international oil companies and 30 national oil companies, including 19 committed to achieving the goal Emissions Net zero for the first time. We are talking about the giants that make up 40% of the population Oil production global. However, the Charter is inconsistent with the goal of keeping the temperature below 1.5° Celsius, does not set limits on the development of new oil and gas sources, and sets voluntary and non-voluntary emissions targets prescriptive, while many international oil companies have already set targets. “The oil and gas decarbonization accelerator is a dangerous distraction from the COP28 process. We must agreement legal, not voluntary commitments,” comments David Tong, head of the sector’s global campaign, Oil Change International. In the International Energy Agency’s net zero scenario, the oil and gas industry must reduce its emissions by 60% by 2030. “This charter does not go beyond the oil industry’s previous commitments under the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), which the industry has yet to maintain,” he explains Murray Worthy, senior oil and gas researcher at Zero Carbon Analytics. An initiative that, among other things, has already set the goal of reaching 0.20% methane by 2025 (five years earlier than the commitment in the paper presented at COP 28).