Kiev: Civilian killed in Russian attack in Donetsk

A video circulating on social media in which we see seemingly unarmed Ukrainian soldiers surrendering with their hands raised and being killed in cold blood by Russian soldiers has been under investigation since yesterday by the judiciary in Ukraine, accusing Russia of a new “war crime.” “. The video circulating on Telegram has no date, but is placed in the Avdiivka region of Donetsk, where the Russians have been attempting a breakthrough for months with many casualties. Its authenticity cannot currently be verified, AFP adds. In it, two Ukrainian soldiers hold their hands up in surrender and are forced to the ground by Russian soldiers, who then appear to shoot at them just before the footage abruptly ends. “Russia has once again violated the laws and customs of war, as well as the norms of international law (…) by once again sneakily firing at unarmed soldiers,” said a statement from the Strategic Communications Center of the Russian Federation Kiev Armed Forces, their Claims based on “confirmed information” The Ukrainian human rights commissioner Dmytro Lubinets also spoke of “war crimes” by the Moscow armed forces.