Ludmilla and Brunna Goncalves on the fertilization process Courage Splash

Ludmilla and Brunna Gonçalves on the fertilization process: “Courage Splash

In vitro fertilization. The couple visited an artificial insemination clinic in Miami, USA, and began the first steps on this path to expanding their family: “When we went to this clinic, it looked like we were already pregnant because we had to conceive .” Ultrasound to see if everything was okay. Soon our baby will be on the screen.

“It takes courage.” During the chat with host Maju Coutinho, singer Ludmilla also admitted that she has a little concern about the child’s revelation.

“That’s why I think we delay our dream of having a child so much, because bringing a child into the world these days takes courage,” he said.

Grandmother’s wishes. However, one person who desperately wants a child for the couple is Ludmilla’s mother Silvana, who, in her daughter’s words, “demands a lot.”