3 Zodiac Signs Think About Love on December 4 2023

3 Zodiac Signs Think About Love on December 4, 2023

Today, December 4, 2023, Venus transits in Scorpio, and that, my friends, is a tricky transit when it comes to our love lives. Since it’s December, many of us are already panicking when it comes to our love lives. We want to know that what we have is real and that it is good for 2024.

Then Venus in Scorpio comes into play to show us that there is always room for our good old friend, doubt. Today of all days we will suddenly find reasons to think about our relationships. Could this be real? After all this time we start to worry about the person we are with? Yes, and for three zodiac signs, this day could make or break a real relationship.

Venus in Scorpio is ultimately about challenge. We have something good and yet we feel a nagging urge to find out what’s wrong with it. It’s not that we have to find anything wrong either, but it’s about the compulsive desire to second-guess things, figure out what’s wrong with them, and make a decision about it to see if we really have one Have a case…or not.

These three zodiac signs are thinking about love as of December 4, 2023:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

You expend an enormous amount of energy ensuring that everything in your life goes according to plan. This includes business and career, love and romance, health and well-being… the works. You are an orderly person with a vision and you like knowing that all your efforts give you some control over the things in your life. If only that could be true, right, Aries?

Here’s the thing: On this day, December 4, 2023, no matter how organized you are or how much in control of things you are, you will be challenged during the transit of Venus in Scorpio. This transit will compulsively make you wonder if all that work to make things perfect isn’t as perfect as you may have thought. The idea of ​​“compulsion” is strong with Venus in Scorpio as it forces you to go over things you thought you had done.

For example, you thought that you and your romantic partner had sorted out all your problems… but is that true? Did they really listen to you or did they just smile at you to make you feel heard? You will worry excessively about such things today, and much of your worry will come from questioning the person you are with. You may not want to, but that’s how compulsion works, and Venus in Scorpio rules it.

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2. Leo

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

The year goes on and you’re still not sure if you’ve accomplished even a small portion of what you wanted to accomplish this year, Leo. Feelings of self-doubt are common at the end of the year as so many of us come to the end of the year assessing our achievements and weighing them in terms of value. You’ll look at your love life looking for meaning, and while you’ll find a lot of meaning in it, you may also find yourself doubting it.

This is the signature feeling of the transit, Venus in Scorpio, and on December 4, 2023, you will try to avoid asking your partner questions. However, you will still end up wondering certain things about her. Whatever caused you to find them dubious you can’t even put your finger on, and yet there’s something wrong here. Red flags are blowing in the wind and making you question the entire relationship.

Of course, this makes you nervous since you really don’t need THIS, in addition to all the rest you have on your plate as of this day, December 4, 2023. Does this really make you safe and healthy? person you call your romantic partner, and is the idea of ​​the two of you remaining a couple until the “end of time” realistic? Maybe you’re overdoing it, Leo, because during Venus in Scorpio things don’t look as bad as they might feel.

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3. Libra

(September 23rd – October 22nd)

Whatever happened between you and your romantic partner in the last week makes you think about whether it’s all worth it or not. This is a very negative way to think about this person because you know in your heart that it really isn’t as bad as your mind makes it out to be. However, you will encounter the transit of Venus in Scorpio on December 4, 2023, and this transit will leave you wondering about everything.

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The only thing you really don’t appreciate is confusion, and you don’t understand why confusion seems to rule your world, especially on December 4, 2023. Well, the reason things feel so fragile and doubtful is mainly in that it is Venus in Scorpio that fills us all. So if you feel like you’re questioning your partner or having second thoughts about being with them, do yourself a favor and take a break.

Your need for balance and balance is both notorious and your undoing as you find it difficult to cope with real life and all its uncertainties. During Venus in Scorpio, you will face a cosmic challenge and will not be able to stop doubting this, that, and other things. It’s okay and it will pass, Libra. Today you are advised to wait until tomorrow and try your best not to jump to a conclusion about what to do with your romance during Venus in Scorpio.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.