EXCLUSIVE Naiara Azevedo explains why she went to the police

EXCLUSIVE: Naiara Azevedo explains why she went to the police to demand a protective measure against her exhusband: “I had already suffered physical and moral violence G1

Naiara Azevedo accuses exhusband of property and domestic violence

Raphael Cabral denies committing property violence and attacking the singer. And he says he will prove to the police that he is innocent. The court in Goiás accepted a measure of protection in favor of Naiara against her exhusband.

“There is a sentence that I would like to leave not only to people who are going through a situation like mine. Don’t give your life, no matter how much you love and no matter how much you trust, don’t put your life in anyone’s hands. I put my life in the hands of my exhusband and I have to pay for it today,” she says.

Naiara Azevedo was surprised just before she headed out to do another show. “I wanted to go on a trip. My staff loaded my truck, my bus and the equipment we take with us on the road. When loading, I was told that the equipment could not be loaded unless I paid the rent for it. But why do I have to pay rent for something that belongs to me? The truck is mine. The bus is mine. The scenario is mine too,” he affirms.

Property, domestic and property violence

The singer went to the women’s police station in Goiânia to report that she had suffered property violence at the hands of her exhusband Raphael Cabral.

“By that time I had already suffered physical, moral and psychological violence. But property violence was my trigger. That’s when I realized I was being prevented from working,” says Naiara.

Naiara and Raphael had a tenyear relationship he was also her manager. According to the singer, the separation took place in July after a few episodes of domestic violence.

“It is a very difficult thing. I don’t judge anyone who goes through this situation, including myself. I took part in a campaign against violence against women. And I walked around my house and couldn’t talk to anyone. In fact, I could. I just didn’t have the courage,” he adds.

Naiara states Rafael was responsible for controlling all of the couple’s money.

“The first two years of my career, 2016 and 2017, were my highest revenue years four, five, seven million per month. Do you know how much he gave me a month? A thousand reais. And when I said, “I need a card, I need money.” Do you know what I was told? “But what do you want money for? You have everything. The clothes you wear are paid for by the project. Your house, we pay for it. Your car, we pay for it. Your pantry is full. Isn’t a thousand reais enough for you to live on?’ I don’t have access to anything, I never had access to anything,” he recalls.

“From the door to the outside of my house, I have always been a confident woman. But from the door inwards. I told him, ‘I’m like a piece of furniture in the corner of the house,'” he adds.

According to Naiara, they were married in partial community of property. And after the breakup, she started earning her share.

“All this time I have been demanding that we share our assets. Never happened. There was always a reluctance, a no, we won’t do that. I only want what’s mine, what I’ve worked for. I don’t want a drop of sweat from my exhusband’s work. I’m not here to take credit from anyone. He worked, yes, he worked really hard and he deserved to be entitled to 50% of it. And I, mine. I just want what’s mine. I just want clarity about my work, my sweat, my dreams, my struggles,” he emphasizes.

1 of 1 Naiara Azevedo explains why she went to the police to demand a protective measure against her exhusband: “I had already suffered physical and moral violence” Photo: Reproduction/ TV Globo Naiara Azevedo explains why she went to the police to ask for protective measures against her exhusband: “I had already suffered physical and moral violence” Photo: Reproduction/ TV Globo

Company result

Naiara’s defense had access to the report on the bonds issued by one of the companies in collaboration with her exhusband: Naiara de Fatima Azevedo Produções Artísticas LTDA. In 2023, declared turnover is more than R$ 17 million.

The lawyers succeeded too revoked the power of attorney that gave Naiara’s exhusband the right to manage one of the singer’s accounts. Days before you regain access, There was a withdrawal of R$205,000.

Raphael Cabral, Naiara Azevedo’s exhusband and exmanager, denies committing property violence.

“So I didn’t understand this complaint. I didn’t understand this story and was completely surprised by it. I’m disappointed with everything that happened. That was not necessary. Because I always made myself available,” he says.

Regarding the incident with the equipment for the show, which was ultimately canceled, Raphael said that it belonged to a company in the name of his mother and brother and presented invoices relating to those paid in the last three months related to rent.

Regarding the division of assets, the businessman said that the company’s legal department will meet with the artist’s lawyers.

“Everything has already been collected. We are waiting for us to sit down and understand what can be done. I’m telling you on national television: I will pass 100%. I’m not interested,” he emphasizes.

He also denied attacking the singer. And he says he will prove to the police that he is innocent.

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