1701661120 She is the first female soloist to win Revolution –

She is the first female soloist to win Révolution – Le Journal de Montréal

At the end of a magnificent finale on Sunday, the Masters declared Gabrielle Boudreau the grand winner of the fifth season of revolution. She became the first soloist to win the competition and receive a $100,000 scholarship.

She is the first female soloist to win Revolution –

Photo provided by OSA Images

We remember that last week Gabrielle created a choreography of great intensity with her number about domestic violence. In her first closing number she continued in this vein, talking about the passage of time and the unpredictability of life.

“It was more of a happy number, like a conclusion to the last eight months that I have spent on the revolution,” she admitted in an interview. This number was still very difficult due to the setting and the times that had to be adhered to.” At the Masters he received a total of 95 points and was only one point ahead of his final opponent Sébastien.

His last number was once again very representative of his personality. “I danced to the song Hypersensitive because it is a big part of me. My vulnerability has always been my greatest insecurity. I am very sensitive, but I know that as an artist it is also a power to be able to show what you feel deeply. I decided to apply this strategy to Revolution. I really pushed my vulnerability so that it became a strength and something unique that I could bring to the stage.

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The champions Mel Charlot, Lydia Bouchard and Jean-Marc Généreux with Gabrielle Boudreau in the final. Photo provided by OSA Images

As the only woman in the final, Gabrielle won her bet by winning the leaderboard. “There was a lot of pride in everything. I’m delighted to win as a female soloist, a first for the show. I originally came to Revolution to discover who I was as an artist and creator. I’m just out of school and it was a great opportunity to try things out, give it everything I’ve got and see what it would be like.”

The 22-year-old dancer doesn’t yet have a clear idea of ​​how she will use her scholarship. “Investments will be made in the next few years. I have entrepreneurial desires in the dance world, I want to start something that suits me.”

On tour

Gabrielle Boudreau as well as the three other finalists (Sean Wathen, Sébastien Leroux, Jordan and Santiago) will be part of Révolution en tour, a show directed by Lydia Bouchard that opens next February.

The clique troupe, the Diffo duo, Jason and Marie-Josée, Sunny Boisvert, Yelda and Yoherlandy and Katherine from Team White, will also be part of the adventure.

“The Révolution show on tour is a bit like the show, but for the stage,” Gabrielle said. I think I will repeat a number that I did during the season, but there will also be some new creations. We just started rehearsals.”

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Photo provided by OSA Images

She is already looking forward to learning and interacting with all of these dancers who have shaped the various seasons of the show.

“I admire them a lot and think I can learn a lot from them. I met last year’s winners, Jason and Marie-Josée. We were able to talk to each other. It’s fun to be able to share with them because it’s a pretty intense situation to win Revolution. I will do my best to wear this with pride.”

Further appearances during the final