Houthis again attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea

04/12/2023 01:11 (current 04/12/2023 01:11)

Iran-backed Houthi rebels are intensifying their attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea. Yemeni rebels again attacked several cargo ships in the maritime area on Sunday. A US Navy destroyer came to the aid of the ships and shot down several drones. The US military said it is not yet clear whether the destroyer “USS Carney” itself was the target of one of the attempted drone attacks.

The Houthis themselves claimed attacks on two ships and once again threatened further attacks on Israeli cargo ships. One of the most important shipping routes in the world runs along the Yemeni coast to and from the Suez Canal in Egypt. This canal connects the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, providing the shortest sea route from Asia to Europe. About ten percent of all world trade passes through the Red Sea.

Houthi rebels in Yemen had already threatened to attack “all ships” linked to Israel – in response to Israel’s war against Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Houthi military spokesman Jahja Sari said that all ships that fly the Israeli flag, that are owned by Israeli companies or that are operated by Israeli companies are a target. He repeated this threat on Sunday, saying the rebels attacked two Israeli ships in the Bab al-Mandab Strait with a missile and a drone. These are the ships “Unity Explorer” and “Number 9”.

Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari emphasized that the two ships had no connection with the State of Israel. One of the ships was significantly damaged and was in distress. She is in danger of sinking.

The responsible regional command of the US military Centcom announced on Sunday evening (local time) that there were four attacks on three different merchant ships traveling in the Red Sea on Sunday. The naval destroyer “USS Carney” patrolling the area responded to the freighters’ distress calls and provided assistance. The ship “Unity Exlorer”, which sails under the Bahamian flag and is owned by the British, was the target of attacks twice. Both times the rockets were fired from areas of Yemen controlled by Houthi rebels. One missile landed near the ship and another hit the freighter. There was minor damage.

The US military also said that another missile from Houthi territory hit the cargo ship “Number 9”, which sails under the Panamanian flag and has owners from Bermuda and Britain. The ship was damaged. Additionally, a ship called “Sophie II”, sailing under the Panamanian flag, reported rocket launches. In this case, the Americans did not provide details about the origin of the rocket.

According to the military, the US destroyer intercepted several drones that had taken off from Houthi areas during the series of attacks – one of which flew towards the “USS Carney” itself. It is not possible to determine at this time whether the naval destroyer was the target. “The US ship was not damaged and there were no injuries,” she said.

The fear of climbing

But the US military complained: “These attacks pose a direct threat to international trade and maritime security.” They endangered the lives of international crews. “We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, although carried out by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully supported by Iran.” The US would now discuss all appropriate measures in coordination with international partners.

There have been other incidents of this type in the Red Sea in recent weeks. The US destroyer “USS Carney” recently shot down several cruise missiles and drones that, according to the US, were launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen. In mid-November, rebels also hijacked a cargo ship partly owned by a British-Israeli businessman. The Houthis took control of large parts of Yemen in 2014 and now control large areas in the north, including the capital Sanaa.

Since the start of the war in Gaza, attacks by Iran-aligned groups on US forces in the Middle East have increased. This is fueling concerns of further escalation in the region.