Gusttavo Limas children boast of a dream room in a

Gusttavo Lima’s children boast of a dream room in a milliondollar mansion. See photos! Observatory of celebrities

What Gusttavo Lima Everyone knows that they live a life of luxury Country singer He makes a point of constantly showing off his list of assets, which range from his milliondollar villa in Goiânia to an arsenal of cars in his garage and a R$25 million yacht. Together with the country singer, his wife Andressa Suita and the children Gabriel and Samuel They also use and abuse luxury goods.

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Gusttavo Lima’s financial situation may be the envy of many people, as the “ambassador” is now simply the richest country singer in Brazil, but such lust is the result of a lot of hard work, sleepless nights and weeks away from his family. which the artist defines as the most valuable possession of his life.

That’s why Gusttavo always strives to offer its children aged 4 and 5 the best. Children are a constant topic on social media due to their wealth from a young age, especially due to their electric cars that attract attention during rides that Andressa Suita films on her Instagram profile.

What also attracts a lot of attention is Gabriel and Samuel’s room. Since the children are very close to each other, Gusttavo Lima and Andressa Suita decided to let them sleep in the same room even though they have space in their villa to give away and sell. In the little ones’ relaxation room there are many details that can attract attention and make it the “bedroom of dreams”.

Gabriel and Samuel’s fully planned room has large and comfortable beds in the shape of cars, a ball pit, lots of toys scattered around to make them happy, and some decorations on the ceiling in the shape of lights and clouds that glow in the dark. The photos and videos of the place, which are always posted on Andressa Suita’s social networks, attract comments from fans and a lot of praise for the family’s account.

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