FPF would initiate international legal proceedings if the contract with

FPF would initiate international legal proceedings if the contract with Juan Reynoso is not terminated

Negotiations between Juan Reynoso and the FPF could be concluded in the next few hours. After the revelation of Jorge Fossati, the main candidate to take over the bench of the Peruvian team, it is expected that the connection between “Cabezón” and the Bicolor can soon be broken; However, in the event that a successful conclusion is not reached, Videna does not rule out resorting to international legal bodies.

FPF would go to international bodies

As revealed by journalist Gustavo Peralta, the Peruvian Football Federation is studying legal mechanisms to terminate the agreement and find a new strategist.

“If an agreement is not reached, Videna states that they could take the case to international legal bodies and that in that case the FPF would now be legally empowered to hire another DT,” he explained on his Twitter account.

FPF would initiate international legal proceedings if the contract with Key day for Juan Reynoso’s future in the Peruvian team. Photo: Twitter/Gustavo Peralta.

YOU CAN SEE: The teams Jorge Fossati coached in his career: Did he qualify for a World Cup?

On the other hand, regarding the amount agreed for the performance of the contract, he emphasized that Reynoso’s position is to collect the entire amount. “The association is offering a fairly significant economic amount to reach an agreement, but from the DT side they are demanding 100% of the contract,” he explained.

How much does Juan Reynoso make?

According to information from the newspaper LiberoJuan ReynosoHe earns approximately $1,300,000 per year. If the FPF removes him from his position, he will have to pay this amount for the 22 months of the coach’s relationship with the Peruvian team. Taking into account the remaining term of the national coach’s contract, the costs would amount to around $2 million, 400,000.