Drunk he falls asleep in a drive thru at McDonalds

Drunk, he falls asleep in a drive-thru at McDonald’s

A 21-year-old man was arrested around 5am on Saturday morning after he fell asleep outside a thoroughfare in Sherbrooke.

It was a witness who alerted the police after seeing the driver. When patrol officers went to the King Street address, they quickly spotted the vehicle and the person.

After arresting him, they arrested the suspect for driving under the influence.

When they arrived at headquarters, the man failed an alcohol test.

Snowdrift and hit post

Additionally, another man narrowly escaped after falling asleep at the wheel in Sherbrooke at the same time.

A 42-year-old person’s car was stuck in a snowbank at the intersection of Magloire and Mondrian streets.

The man was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Finally, a 45-year-old driver was handcuffed Sunday evening after he crashed into a wooden pole at the intersection of King Street West and Ontario Street.

She was arrested for driving under the influence and refusing to comply with an order to provide a breath sample.