Ambassador criticizes George Soros for donations to antiIsrael groups

Ambassador criticizes George Soros for donations to antiIsrael groups

Israel’s ambassador to the United States and the United Nations, Gilad Erdansharply criticized the donations from George Soros, 93 years old, to “antiIsrael” groups. The billionaire himself has already published an article entitled “America and Israel must open the doors to Hamas.”

In an interview with FOXNews Digital, the Israeli ambassador stated:

“George Soros’ donations to organizations that seek the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish nation are shameful. However, I’m not surprised.”

“For years, Soros has supported and transferred money to organizations with ties to BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) that seek to isolate Israel.”he added.

Criticism of Soros, the world’s largest donor to leftwing and farleft causes, has turned a media target on its head, but Erdan was not intimidated.

According to a public data survey by the Open Society FoundationFoundations and NGOs funded by the billionaire, such as the Tides Center, transferred more than $15 million since 2016 for activist groups that supported the Hamassponsored massacre on October 7th. In the days following the attack, these radical organizations took to the streets and published posts congratulating and praising the terrorist group’s barbaric actions.

One of the grant recipients, the Adalah Justice Project, posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing down part of Israel’s border fence on the day of the massacre, Oct. 7, with the caption: “Israeli colonists believed they could keep two million people alive indefinitely.” “imprison” in an openair prison…no cage will be left unchallenged.”

Rachel Ehrenfeld, researcher and author of the May 2023 book “The Soros Agenda,” told FoxNews Digital: “Support for proHamas and proPalestinian groups in the US is not limited to foreign organizations. It also comes directly and indirectly from USbased foundations. George and Alexander Soros’ Open Society Foundation is one of them.”

At the beginning of November the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, said that George Soros “fundamentally hates humanity” and “undermines the foundations of civilization.” He was soon attacked in the newspapers as an “antiSemite.”

In June 2023, the HungarianAmerican megainvestor announced that he was handing over control of his assets to his son Alexander “Alex” Soros.

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