Passenger on plane struck by Mike Tyson demands 450000

Passenger on plane struck by Mike Tyson demands $450,000

A man claimed he is still suffering from injuries caused by Mike Tyson’s attack on him during a JetBlue flight in April 2022 and is demanding $450,000 in compensation from the former boxer’s clan.

This story caused a stir on social networks after a video published by TMZ showed some scenes of the meeting between Tyson and Melvin Townsend. Sitting in front of him on a plane flying from San Francisco to Florida, the 57-year-old former athlete lost patience with a passenger who was too persistent.

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He aimed several punches at Townsend’s head, which showed several marks of injury. The North Carolina man’s attorney, Jake Jondle, said in a pretrial settlement offer obtained by the New York Post that his client would not sue his attacker if he agreed to his demands for money.

“As a former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, there is no doubt that the potential exists to cause serious injury to another person,” the lawyer said. Mr. Tyson had several other options available to him, but he chose physical violence.”

Long-term effects

Jondle said Townsend suffered “severe headaches and neck pain” after the incident and “continues to suffer the effects of this attack today.”

The requested amount would therefore reimburse the man for the costs of medication, therapy and other treatments for his injuries, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Tyson was invited to speak about the matter several times, including on Jimmy Kimmel’s popular show, and said he regretted his actions. He had mentioned that he was “irritable, exhausted and under the influence of alcohol.” [“high”] and angry” during that flight.

His clan told the New York Post that they received a similar request a year ago but would not hand over any money. Attorney Alex Spiro called the initial situation “harassment of the instigator.” The victim allegedly threw a water bottle toward Tyson and repeatedly yelled at him.

Townsend, for his part, has a lengthy criminal history that includes charges of fraud, grand theft and burglary. In total he spent 35 months in prison.