Ranbir Kapoorand Sandeey Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’, despite its length of 3 hours and 21 minutes, opened the floodgates at the box office, received an A certificate from the censor board and some critics took the film to the cleaners for pointing out the toxicity of male characters . The film entered the Rs 200 million mark on its third day alone, collecting Rs 63.8 million on the first day, Rs 66.27 million on the second day and Rs 71.46 million on the third day, taking the total of the film increased to Rs 201.53 crore in all languages over the weekend.
Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol and Anil Kapoor attend the special screening of Animal
On Monday, everyone expected the film to break many more records, and it did. As far as Hindi records are concerned, the film has managed to beat films like Jawan and Housefull 4. On Monday, Animal minted Rs 39.9 crore across languages in Hindi. Topping the collection is Rs 36 crore and the rest in Tamil and Telugu versions. The film broke the record of Jawan, which grossed a total of Rs 32.92 crore, with Rs 30.5 crore in Hindi and Housefull 4, which grossed Rs 34.56 crore. However, Animal is behind many films like ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’, ‘Gadar 2’, ‘Baahubali 2: The Conclusion’ and ‘Tiger 3’ which grossed Rs 36.54 million, Rs 38.7 million, Rs 40.25 million respectively . brought in 58 million rupees.
Ranbir recently spoke about how real-life experiences shaped his performance in the film. He said: “I lost my father and I feel like anyone who loses a parent feels like they haven’t spent enough time with them. While I was growing up, my father was very busy. Most of the time he was filming and doing double shifts. He was traveling. Somewhere we saw him with a lot of love and respect, but there was never really a friendly relationship between us. We couldn’t just sit and chat and I have this one regret in my life that I wish I could be friends with my dad. I wish I could share everything with him. That is a regret I will always live with.”
Apart from Ranbir Kapoor, Animal also stars Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna and Triptii Dimri