Next December 14th they will send out a stimulus check

Next December 14th they will send out a stimulus check in this state Cuban Directory

Some Alaska residents in the United States may receive Permanent Fund (PFD) stimulus checks. This money is intended to help citizens with their expenses at the end of the year. The money in the Permanent Fund comes from the Permanent Fund of Alaska. This is nothing more than a fund that is fed by income from the exploitation of the state’s natural resources such as oil.

It should be clarified here that only people who apply for this incentive can receive it. With this in mind, the next deadline for submitting applications is January 1, 2024.

That means they could qualify for the 2024 PFD payment, even those who didn’t receive the 2023 payment. Therefore, the amounts of PFD funds in Alaska depend on the year in which they are received.

If we take last year as a reference, we see that the payments were $3,284.00. However, the stimulus checks arriving in December will only be worth $1,312.00.

But regardless, it’s still a good sum even if the difference is $1972.00.

The PFD announced it would make two more payments

The first of these two payments will be made on December 14, 2023. To do this, interested parties must check the status of their payment on December 6th and therefore check when they will receive it.

If you see that you are eligible on December 6th; Then you will receive your stimulus check for $1312.00 on the 14th.

Meanwhile, the second of these payments will occur on January 18, 2024. To receive them, applicants must meet residency requirements.

In this sense, they must live in the state all year round; and it is not only necessary to be a resident. You must also intend to continue living in Alaska.

If you do not meet these residency requirements, you will not be eligible for this Permanent Fund stimulus check. Meanwhile, Alaska residents who have applied for residency elsewhere are also ineligible.