Andrea Giambruno wants to sue Mediaset over the extravagances of

Andrea Giambruno wants to “sue” Mediaset over the extravagances of Striscia la NOTEIA .

Andrea Giambruno wants to sue Mediaset. “For invasion of privacy and defamation in the press.” The lawyer told me that we will definitely win this way. The outliers published by Striscia la NOTEIA are in the spotlight. And the company that first promoted him to presenter, then torpedoed him and took away the “Diary of the Day” program from him. So it’s not just about the return to video in September 2024. Giorgia Meloni’s ex-boyfriend’s plans also include the idea of ​​​​indicting Berlusconi’s TV. And he would have already consulted a lawyer for this. Giambruno would have said all this on Monday, December 4th, over lunch with a group of friends at the Osteria del Sostegno in Rome. And, La Stampa adds today, his lawyer told him “that we are sure to win”.

Defamation and invasion of privacy

In the two publications of the Antonio Riccis show, Giambruno first talks about his hair and jokes with the journalist Viviana Guglielmi. Then he makes tough suggestions to his colleagues and talks about affairs and threesomes. On October 20, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced the end of the relationship with the host on social media. They also said that they had “parted ways for some time” and that now was the time to acknowledge it. Giambruno was also reported to the journalists’ association. A few days later he reached an agreement with Mediaset. Now he apparently wants to challenge exactly this agreement. In the previous days he had made it clear that he felt like a “victim of a manhunt”. He then disappeared from the video, although he had since moved, found a house near the prime minister and cut his hair.

Separation and Roman gossip

La Stampa also tells more about the separation from Meloni. He says his friends don’t believe it too much: “Trust me, the ones who know them and were there for years say it didn’t turn out the way it did with Totti and Ilary. “Not all unhappy endings are the same.” While Giorgia’s sister Arianna, Francesco Lollobrigida’s wife, accuses the newspapers of gossip. “All those who hoped to weaken me by beating me at home should know that no matter how much the drop hopes to dig up the stone, the stone remains stone and the drop is just water,” the Prime Minister had said in a cryptic way as she announced her departure. Who knows what he was referring to.

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