Walter Mercado Horoscope Monday September 11 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Walter Mercado: Horoscope Thursday December 7, 2023 El Nuevo Herald

Zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign. Archive / el Nuevo Herald

Note to readers: Betty B. Mercado, niece and collaborator of the late astrologer Walter Mercado, continues his legacy by writing horoscopes.


(March, 20th – April 18)

An excellent day to start a new hobby or exercise. You will break the routine, although some will say you have lost your mind. Expand your horizons, be it through traveling, meeting people or studying. The most important thing for you now is to learn something new and different that stimulates your intellect. Lucky numbers: 15, 25, 38.


(April 19th – 19th) May)

Your intimate or personal life is emphasized by seeking and strengthening a family environment. Many will now be inclined to build a committed and stable relationship. Changes occur in the moral or religious aspect that help you see a different, more practical and realistic side of your relationships. Lucky numbers: 12, 10, 6.


(May 20th – 19th) in June)

Your mind is full of ideas and projects and wanders from one place to another, leaving you feeling lost and confused. The most important thing today is to relax so that you can regain your mind and organize your thoughts. Don’t let fear and nervousness make you spiral out of control and lose control of your actions. Lucky numbers: 8, 10, 26.


(20th June – 21 July)

You find yourself in a party, holiday and novelty atmosphere. You will not take a romantic relationship seriously because your free spirit rejects any kind of commitment. It will be difficult to catch you in the nets of love for now. Obligations become heavy and very difficult to fulfill because now it’s all about having a good time and having fun. Lucky numbers: 7, 20, 18.


(22nd of July – August 21st)

Your energy is renewed by the positive energy of the planets and brings greater success. You will shine like never before and others will have to give way to you or follow your plans. You receive good news from abroad. Hopes for a better life, for positive changes can come true, and faster than you imagine. Lucky numbers: 25, 16, 42.


(August 22nd – 21st September)

The stars now make you an excellent negotiator. On the material level you enter into negotiations with other people. You will focus all your attention on your material possessions. You will look for ways to invest your money in valuable things that can also bring you economic benefits in the future. Lucky numbers: 4, 15, 30.


(September 22nd – Oct. 22)

Something very difficult is coming to an end for you. This will lead to changes in the way you see life. In order for you to work effectively and make important decisions, your self-esteem must be strengthened. It’s time to rebuild, start again, ask for help when needed, and put pride aside. Lucky numbers: 23, 7, 19.


(October 23rd – November 20th)

Remember, Scorpio, what you sow now will bear fruit in the future. The desire to share with loved ones and feel loved by them is very important to you. You are now looking for the support, affection and love that will make you feel safe and motivate you to move on, but you must be objective and put selfishness aside. Lucky numbers: 11, 2, 8.


(21st November – Dec. 20)

It’s time to take action and overcome the fear of failure. Be direct and practical in your words and actions. Review the way you will implement your plans so that everything goes well. Don’t wait any longer and confront or start with what you have been thinking about and what for some reason you have not been able to put into action. Lucky numbers: 5, 42, 8.


(Dec 21 – January 18)

Now, Capricorn, you will feel a great sense of security that will give you confidence in the decisions you make in your personal and professional life. You don’t let anyone do anything for you. This is evident in the eyes of the people who share your life, both family and professional. Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 29.


(January 19 – February 17)

You need to break the routine to add a touch of color to your life, which is currently a bit monotonous or boring. They will try to delve deeper into spiritual topics. Now are opportunities to grow, mature and strengthen your spirit. It’s time to learn something new that will expand your intellect. Lucky numbers: 29, 6, 41.


(February 18th – 19th) March)

Today it is best to work together and use the help of others. You’ll be surprised to find that the opinion others have of you doesn’t agree with you, Pisces. If you cannot find solutions to your personal or professional problems, you should consider seeking the help of an expert. Lucky numbers: 31, 14, 12.

This story was originally published on December 6, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.