Carlos Aragones
Barcelona – December 7, 2023. 07:45
I am forced to express my opinion indignation and frustration given the joke that represents Climate summit this year. The current panorama of Climate change requires urgent and substantial action, but instead we are faced with one mime led by those who contribute most to the problem.
How is it possible that the president of the summit is also the CEO of the state-owned oil company Emirates? The irony and conflict of interest are obvious. What use is a manager whose core business is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions? This choice seems to be more of an experiment Image washing as a real commitment to the cause.
Even more disturbing is the massive presence of Oil and gas company representatives On the top. What are they doing? Do we expect those who contributed significantly to the problem to now be the solution? It is a Insulting the intelligence of citizens on foot.
Climate change is not waiting, and the reality is that we are beating it every year Atmospheric Emissions Records. While the consequences of global warming As signs emerge around the world, our current leaders seem more interested in walking down hallways and taking photos than in implementing real action.
It’s time for leaders to stop playing environmental politics and start taking meaningful action. The The health of our planet is at stake and continuing to allow commercial interests to dictate climate policy is unacceptable. We need leaders committed to reducing the carbon footprint.