Video: Voice actress from Minas Gerais is a finalist at the Sovas Awards, the “Voice Oscar , in the USA

Dubbing artist Andressa Mello from Juiz de Fora in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais competes for the Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (Sovas) award, known as “Voice Oscar,” in the “Best Dubbing” category. Television or cinema in a foreign language. Portuguese. The winners will be announced this Sunday (October 12) in Los Angeles, California.

The award is considered the most important in the language market and was launched on August 26, 2013 in New York to provide training, scholarships and jobs to professionals in the industry. Among the nominees are wellknown names from world cinema such as Meryl Streep and Jack Chan.

By dubbing the character “Derin” in the Turkish soap opera Iludida, available on the streaming platform HBO Max, the professional secured a place at the awards. To the report from Alterosa TVShe said that she began her acting career as a child at the age of 8, when she took her first steps in the theater in Juiz de Fora.

She then went to São Paulo, where she studied performing arts at the USP School of Communications and Arts. Today Andressa dedicates herself to the world of dubbing. “That’s when I started taking courses in the area and some opportunities came up. “Today I already have hundreds of characters from different materials such as anime, soap operas and TV series,” he says.

The current creative process allows recordings to be created remotely, without interaction between voice actors who are not currently working in the same studio.

In addition to Andressa, announcer Daniel Dazzini, also from Juiz de Fora, also competes in the category “Best Voice Actor for Portugueselanguage television” for the call of the special with Harry Potter films on HBO Max.

*With information from TV Alterosa