Spanish preview of The Promise Curro Must Die TVDaily

Spanish preview of The Promise: Curro Must Die! TVDaily

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Spanish preview of The Promise: Curro Must Die!

Let's discover together the Spanish previews of La Promessa, a soap opera that airs from Monday to Friday on Canale 5: here are the summaries of the episodes that will soon be broadcast on Canale 5!

They return Spanish previews of La Promessa with a series of interesting surprises that will attract everyone's attention Cruz. The Marchioness is ready to murder Curro to prevent the truth Alonso comes to the surface and the call of de Lujan ruined… but let's find out together what the previews of the soon-to-be-aired episode reveal in detail 4:40 p.m on channel 5.

The Promise Spanish previews: Cruz is ready to kill

The spoilers of The promise They are really worrying, at least for the future of some characters. Evil Cruz is ready to take an extreme step In order not to lose his family's reputation, he has actually committed murder in the past. The public remembers the poor well Tomas, Manuel's half-brother, who promised Jana in the first episode of the soap opera to help her find out the truth about her family. It was the Marchioness to eliminate her stepson, even though she was never arrested…

Spanish previews of The Promise; Cruz hates Curro

Cruz will have no problem resorting to murder: I'll think about doing the same Elisa De Grazelama, her father's lover, when she finds out that the woman is not willing to give her the money from the man's inheritance. It is therefore not surprising that the woman is ready to take the same step towards someone she hates even more, since it is also an insult to her reputation: Curro. The boy is Alonso's biological son, and since he is younger than Manuel, it goes without saying that he was born when de Lujan was already married to her…

According to foreign previews, Cruz wants to kill Curro

Dolores She was afraid that her children would be killed as a result She begs Ramona not to tell them about what happened. But Curro finds a letter that her friend's mother wrote and learned the truth. At this point The boy wants to spend more time with his father and it doesn't take long for Cruz to realize what the young man has discovered how much had to remain hidden. For this reason, Think about how to eliminate him before the truth is revealed for everyone and their reputation is ruined…

The promisethe Spanish soap opera, airs Monday to Friday 4:40 p.m. on Channel 5.