Let God surprise you by Elisabeth Dugas – La Pensee

Let God surprise you! by Elisabeth Dugas – La Pensée du Jour – lapenseedujour.topchretien.com

Let God surprise you!

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However, God sometimes speaks one way, sometimes another, and we don't pay attention to him.
Job 33.14

We all have preconceptions that are tied to the teachings we received in family or church.

God speaks to us through his word. That's true, but chance can lead us to troubling verses that don't help us grow. For example, the words of Job's first three “friends” or the requests of the people who demand the death of Jesus.

God speaks to us through his prophets. Although certain prophecies have a double fulfillment and can still challenge us today, the biblical prophets spoke primarily to their contemporaries. And not all prophets today are messengers of God.

So good news: God can also speak to us directly and in a personal way, in our hearts, through our circumstances, through nature…

In all cases the motto is DIFFERENCE!

Let God be God, He knows how best to address each of us. Let us prepare ourselves to hear Him and listen intently to His voice in all places, at all times and in all ways!

Let us take the example of little Samuel's attitude: “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10).

Listen to the voice of God

Would you like to hear God's voice in person? Take the time to listen to what he wants to say to you about it.

Praying is easy. Talk to God like you would your closest friend, because He loves you and can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Lord, I ask your forgiveness because I talk a lot in my prayers and don’t listen to you enough. I want to listen to you now in a new way, wherever I am.” . Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. Today you can take a moment to thank Him for His benevolent and lasting presence in your life. The Creator of the Universe watches over you in all circumstances. It is so wonderful that one can only praise it!

Take action today

So how can you apply what God has told you? Write down a specific action you can take today. Perhaps you simply practice watching and listening, expecting to “hear” God’s voice in new ways, different from what you have already experienced.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you, God, for who you are and for everything you do! To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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1702268807 700 Let God surprise you by Elisabeth Dugas – La PenseeThis story, written by Elisabeth's hands, adds dynamism and splendor to her family's life. He takes us from laughter to tears, from the most rudimentary concepts to the philosophy of life…

One could call the work “carpe diem” because, despite the difficulties many of us experienced and shared, Elisabeth was able to draw hope from her faith, her joy of life and her friends.

Discover and get the book “Hors-Piste” by clicking on this link!