Biden invites Zelenskyy to visit the White House

12/10/2023 10:29 pm (current 12/10/2023 10:30 pm)

Biden and Zelensky likely to talk about US war aid ©APA/AFP/POOL

US President Joe Biden invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to visit the White House next Tuesday. Biden wanted to underscore the United States' unwavering commitment to supporting the Ukrainian people in their defense against the brutal Russian invasion, the White House said Sunday.

Biden and Zelensky wanted to discuss Ukraine's urgent needs on the battlefield and also talk about continued U.S. aid at this crucial stage. According to the Washington government, the funds for Ukraine previously approved by Parliament will be completely exhausted by the end of the year. However, the availability of new US aid is currently blocked by an internal political dispute between Democrats and Republicans in the US Parliament. More and more Republicans are expressing doubts about supporting Ukraine or rejecting it outright.

A recently approved interim budget once again contains no new funds for Ukraine, although US President Joe Biden had already requested large sums of billions from Congress for Kiev in October. With increasing vehemence and sometimes dramatic pleas, Biden and his team have been urging Congress for weeks to act. But there is no movement in sight so far.