1702305305 Javier Milei begins his term as Argentine president live

Javier Milei begins his term as Argentine president, live | Milei avoids making economic announcements on his first day in office

Javier Milei begins his term as Argentine president live

Milei swears in his ministers behind closed doors

President Javier Milei sworn in his cabinet ministers in the White Room of the Casa Rosada, behind closed doors. The ceremony was not broadcast live and no journalists were present, an unprecedented event in the country. This Sunday, the Prime Minister Nicolás Posse, the holders of the nine portfolios of the new government and Karina Milei, the sister of the extreme right, who will be Secretary General of the Presidency, were sworn in.

Several of Milei's ministers come from private companies and have no political experience: this is the case of one of his closest men, the engineer Nicolás Posse, who takes over as chief of staff; the economist Diana Mondino, her chancellor; the media lawyer Mariano Cúneo Libarona, appointed Minister of Justice; or Sandra Pettovello, a journalist and television producer who will be in charge of the mega-ministry of human capital, which will include education, labor and social development.

On Friday, two days before his inauguration, Milei's health team backed down and confirmed that it would maintain its status as a ministry under the leadership of cardiologist Mario Russo, who already worked in the public sector in Buenos Aires province during the government by Mauricio Macri.

Read more about Javier Milei's cabinet here.