1702305868 Grieving men and women unfortunately the tragedy affected the beloved

Grieving men and women, unfortunately the tragedy affected the beloved woman: the sudden farewell IT IT

Unfortunately, one of the most popular faces of men and women has delivered some sad news. Here you will find out who it is and what suddenly happened

Men and women is always a great success And thanks go to the participants who are ready to commit to finding their soul mate. In some cases there is a happy ending, in others there is not.

Just quote Gemma Galgani, which just piles up one disappointment after another. After Giorgio Manetti She hasn't found anyone who can make her heart beat again. Yet he never loses hope meeting someone who turns your life upside down.

During these hours, attention turns to another well-known face of the afternoon program Maria De Filippi due to a recently published Instagram story.

Go into details, She is a very famous Tronista because she has challenged herself to learn in other roles in the past. Someone will have already understood who we are talking about. Here is the confirmation

A sudden sadness for men and women

She returned after putting an end to the love story that began in Men and Women. We'll see how she deals with it in the next few episodes Roberta Di Padua who is going to date her ex-boyfriend according to the latest updates on the internet. She appeared heartbroken on social media over the sudden death of someone close to her. Without a filter, she exposed her fragility.

The person in question is called Amalia, but most importantly, followers asked her what it meant to her. So the reaction of the person concerned Ida Platanoit was instantaneous.

Ida Platano's Instagram story – Romait.itIda Platano's Instagram story – Romait.it

“It’s like I recognized her”

“Many of you have asked me who Amalia is: Amalia is no longer here. A person I unfortunately couldn't meet, but it's as if I had gotten to know him. He always made me feel his love, warmth and affection. He called me every month and even sent me gifts for me and Samu. All these long years I felt loved by her, Now I'm close to his family and I hug you with so much love: I am close to you.

That's why she didn't elaborate It was not possible to understand how things really happened. The fact is that Ida Platano is suffering and can do nothing but stay close to the family of this woman who has now disappeared forever.

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