“Group of crazy people”. Former Gaza minister attacks Hamas (but lies) Nicola Porro

Joseph Almansi

Joseph Almansi71-year-old former communications minister in the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, was captured by Israeli forces yesterday and as a high-ranking representative, he was immediately interrogated by the men of the Shin Bet, the Jewish state's counterintelligence agency. During the interrogation, the man, who apparently has nothing left to lose, strongly criticized the leadership of the terrorist organization, of which he was a member until his arrest.

When answering the investigators' questions, he used extremely harsh words and referred to Yahya Sinwar and to his circle he said: “This is a bunch of crazy people. They destroyed the Gaza Strip and set it back 200 years.” As the investigation continued, Yosef Almansi made it clear that in his opinion Hamas's policies have always been destructive and recounted the damage and destruction they caused in the Gaza Strip caused.

He also stated that after two months of war, the people of Gaza were convinced that Sinwar and his gang had caused the ongoing destruction It is time for the Palestinian people to get rid of them. He added: “I have not seen anyone in Gaza supporting Sinwar, no one likes Sinwar. There are people who pray day and night for God to deliver us from him. In the end, Hamas' successes consisted of the killing of thousands of people and the destruction of more than 60% of buildings, infrastructure, roads and public facilities. Sinwar suffers from delusions of grandeur. He feels like he's above everyone else. He only acts as he thinks. He makes decisions without consulting anyone.

He then also spoke about the funding that Hamas had received. From the money that was intended for the projects and from what flowed from Iran directly to the military wing of Hamas. According to him, this flow of Shiite money was the reason for the destruction of the Gaza Strip. Referring to the attack and massacre carried out by Hamas men on Israeli territory, Yosef Almansi said: “What happened on October 7 is the opposite of Islam.” This is heresy. Craziness. What they did is not accepted by logic, religion or intellect. Sinwar and his group are responsible for this. My advice to the people of Gaza is to oppose the Sinwar group. Let's live, let's take care of people. We will rebuild Gaza, it will take time, the wound is big.”

In the released portion of the interrogation footage, we see this elderly gentleman saying sensible things with a completely peaceful expression, which is what Israeli ears, and perhaps those of the rest of the West, want to hear. However, the problem is that everything he says is false, it is a deliberate lie, a small, table-prepared speech that you can use when you find yourself in the hands of the Zionists and in front of a camera. It is easy to understand that this is a diversionary tactic, a simple analysis is enough. Yosef Almansi was one of Hamas' ministers. Didn't he know that he was at the head of the terrorist organization? He basically said that he was in charge of a group of crazy people in Gaza, but do you really think that Israel doesn't know that he was part of that group?

He said that Hamas' policies have always been destructive, citing the damage and destruction Hamas has caused in the Gaza Strip. But wasn't he part of this policy to take the position of Minister of Communications, that is, the propaganda that made Hamas famous and won millions of fans around the world? Regarding the massacre carried out by Hamas men on Israeli territory on October 7, Yosef Almansi stated that the killings, especially of children, the massacres, the mass rapes and the kidnappings were heresy. A madness unacceptable to logic, religion or intellect. And he blamed Sinwar and his group for all of this.

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And him? Where was he when the massacre of Israeli civilians was being planned? But the biggest lie he dared to tell is that he has not seen anyone in Gaza supporting Sinwar and that no one likes Sinwar. This basically means that no one in Gaza likes Hamas. So how do we explain the distribution of sweets in the streets of Gaza City, Jabaliya, Beit Lahia of Khan Yunis and all other Hamas-affiliated villages in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in every terrorist attack that has sown blood and death? among the Israelis? Apart from those who did not want to see it, everyone in the West had the opportunity to watch the videos filmed among and by Palestinian civilians thanking Allah for helping Hamas militants carry out the massacre on September 7th October had helped.

Except for those who did not want to hear it, everyone in the West heard the recording of the telephone conversation between mother and son he boasted that he had killed ten JewsNote non-Israeli Jews, and his mother blessed him for being her hero. One of those heroes who were Rambos with old people, women and children, but who are now surrendering in thousands to the Israeli army and handing over their weapons in their underwear. In their underwear because the Israeli military makes them undress before they take over. The risk that there is a hidden weapon or explosive vest under their clothing is very high.

We do not know and will never know what Yosef Almansi revealed in the portion of the interrogation that will never be made public, but his smile behind every lie he told revealed his thoughts. Ok, well, we know that lying to a non-Muslim is not a sin according to the Holy Quran, but the former Hamas minister took advantage of it a little too much, at least in this case and probably not only in this case.

Michael Sfaradi, December 11, 2023

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