1702331311 Sonia Vachon looks back on the shocking reason for her

Sonia Vachon looks back on the shocking reason for her departure from Deux Filles Le Matin – 7 Jours

On the 32nd episode of his podcast Open your gameMarie-Claude Barrette received Sonia Vachon, who vulnerably engaged with the concept and answered questions openly.

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• Also read: Marie-Claude Barrette looks back on her difficult year

It's worth noting that the two women have one thing in common in their respective careers: both have been at the top of the show Two girls in the morninghas VAT. While Sonia was there from the first episode in 2000, Marie-Claude was in charge of the show until its end in April 2021.

In the first minutes of the interview that Marie-Claude conducted with Sonia, the latter discussed this project that unites them and spoke of the poignant reason that led her to leave the show in 2004.

Sonia Vachon looks back on the shocking reason for her

• Also read: Marie-Claude Barrette addresses the public a few minutes before the broadcast of the last episode of Deux Filles Le Matin

“I couldn't hear anymore… […] We've hosted women talking about cellulite treatments and treatments for everything under the sun. Worse, at one point I said to myself, 'My God, I embody everything that women don't want to be.' And that became more and more difficult for me,” she said, still visibly shaken.

Sonia still remembers a particular moment when a doctor invited to the set made an inappropriate comment to her about her body after the show. She adds that her then co-host France BeaudoinHe was “furious” when he found out he had dared to make such comments.

There is also the actress who can currently be seen in the new one Bad weatherHe also recalled a letter he received in the early weeks of Morning Day in which a viewer implored him to lose weight “out of respect for the public.” She mentions that such hurtful comments she has been receiving for a long time explains why she is not present on social media till date.

Watch the full episode of “Open your game with Sonia Vachon” here. The Two Girls in the Morning portion begins at 4:30 p.m.

In the comments under the episode, Internet users appreciated Sonia Vachon's sensitivity and honesty.

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