He loses a ring worth 750000 euros at the Ritz

He loses a ring worth 750,000 euros at the Ritz and thinks about stealing it. It landed here

A great fuss for nothing has thrown the famous hotel into turmoil Ritz of Paris, one of the oldest and most prestigious in the French capital. It all happened because of a missing ring. Given the clientele, it was obviously not just any ring, but a piece of jewelry set with a 6.51 carat diamond and two platinum baguettes worth 750,000 euros.

The complaint

It all happened on Friday between 9:50 and 11:30 a.m. while a wealthy Malaysian businesswoman, who was in Paris on business, was having breakfast and had placed the ring next to the tray. She later went shopping in the most prestigious boutiques in Paris and when she returned the ring was missing. The angry lady, as usual, began to suspect the hotel's cleaning staff.

Furious, she then rushed to the nearest police station where she filed a report, which immediately initiated a manhunt for the theft. After a careful search, the precious object was found in the bag of a vacuum cleaner used to clean the various rooms. All's well that ends well, you might say, but that's not really the case. Because while it is the French police who are responsible for the discovery, the hotel management denies it, saying that it was thanks to “the meticulous research work of the hotel security officers” and that “the customer was very happy with this.” News and thanked that Hotel and all the staff.

All hotel thefts

If you take Ritz management's statement at face value, this isn't the first time that major thefts have occurred in the hotel's most prestigious suites. In 2018, a Saudi princess was robbed of jewels worth €800,000 that she had carelessly left unattended in her room without putting them in the hotel safe.

A few months earlier, a group of robbers used axes to break the windows of the jewelry stores on the ground floor of the building and then fled with numerous valuables. But the most sensational theft, which is also recounted in the reality show “Driving Miss the Kardashians,” was exactly this one Kim Kardashian who stayed at the Ritz for Fashion Week. Not only were all of the influencer's jewels worth several million euros stolen from her, she was also tied up and threatened by the robbers.