Guterres advocates for climate justice and greenhouse gas reduction at COP28

António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations. Photo: EFE.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, called this Monday on the participants of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) to be more ambitious in reducing greenhouse gases and climate justice.

“We are in a race against time. Our planet is just minutes from midnight to reach the 1.5 degree Celsius limit. And the clock keeps ticking.the official emphasized, while also raising the possibility that the phase-out of fossil fuels could occur at different speeds depending on the country.

“The COP covers many aspects, but a key aspect of success, in my opinion, will be reaching a consensus on the need to phase out fossil fuels in line with the 1.5 degree limit.” This does not mean that all countries will do this should do at the same time,” he said at a press conference.

He said the global balance sheet of the Paris Agreement must provide a clear plan to double energy efficiency and continue to focus on reducing fossil fuel production and consumption.

The transformation will not happen overnighthe warned, adding that even as decarbonization creates thousands of decent jobs, governments must ensure support, training and social protection for those negatively affected.

According to press reports Guterres considered it essential that the global balance sheet of the Paris Agreement recognizes the need to end the use of fossil fuels in the period necessary to reach the 1.5 degree limit. and accelerate a fair, just and orderly energy transition for all.

The principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respect for effective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances must be taken into account; not to reduce ambition, but to combine ambition and justice.

The UN secretary-general proposed a climate solidarity package that would see major emitters make additional efforts to reduce emissions and rich countries support emerging economies to do the same. He recalled that COP28 began with two hopeful steps: the approval of the Loss and Damage Fund and the reconsideration of the Green Fund. However, much more is needed as developing countries are “drowning in debt”.

“In climate chaos, we need more commitment from industrialized countries to finance adaptation,” he said called on banks and companies to provide access to financing on acceptable terms for investments in climate change.

He welcomed a new adjustment framework, however “The framework without the means of implementation is like a cart without wheels”considered and assessed the need to set measurable targets for appropriate actions.

“We need an ambitious outcome that shows decisive climate action and a credible plan to maintain the 1.5°C warming limit and protect those on the frontline of the climate crisis.”he emphasized.

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(With information from agencies)