The Sagittarius Moon offers incredible opportunities for 5 zodiac signs

The Sagittarius Moon offers incredible opportunities for 5 zodiac signs this week

Beginnings, middles and endings are the focus of the story. Are you currently in a transitional phase, waiting to emerge like a butterfly from its cocoon? Five zodiac signs have the best horoscopes under the Sagittarius Moon and the influence of its energy – namely Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo and Pisces. You should prepare for a new adventure.

First, with the Moon entering Sagittarius on December 11th and becoming a New Moon on December 12th, it's easy to see that this is the main astrological focus of this week.

The Moon's relationship with Uranus retrograde in Taurus also makes it clear that we are being asked to unleash our unconventional side – whatever that may mean for us. Because allowing such a change in your life will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and truly grow through new experiences.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus adds weight to this message by reminding us that opportunities rarely come around a second time and we must not let self-sabotage hold us back. Yes, there may be people who think we're reaching for the stars when we “deserve” the dirt on a cold street, but they're wrong. It is up to you to strengthen this within yourself.

If you feel called to do so, light a yellow candle with the intention of making heart-centered choices in your future.

Five zodiac signs will experience the best horoscopes from December 11th to 13th, 2023 thanks to the Sagittarius Moon.

1. Sagittarius

(November 22nd – December 21st)

Best zodiac sign for work: Leo

The best area to focus on: self-care

Best hour: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m

Sagittarius, a happy week awaits you! Do you feel that special something in the air? You are asked to be in receiving mode this week so that the universe can send you its blessings and ask for help when you need it. Some of you may also benefit from focusing on your finances during this time.

Self-care will also be important to you in the next few days during the Sagittarius Moon. So if you haven't bought a new outfit or visited the spa or hair salon recently, now is the perfect time!

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2. Capricorn

(December 22nd – January 19th)

Best zodiac sign for work: Leo

Best area to focus on: “Grunt” work

Best hour: 4 a.m

Capricorn: Listen to other people's opinions, but do not reveal your personal feelings to them. At this point you are strongly advised to trust your advice, but in the planning stages it may be beneficial to listen to others as well. At least you'll learn who will be an ally and what you might be missing.

Grunt work will also be highlighted for you this week as an area that will bring you blessings. These can be chores, nerve-wracking, boring tasks at work, or just hard work on a project. Let these activities have a grounding effect on you. You will benefit from the patience you learn through them.

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3. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

Best zodiac sign for work: Cancer and Scorpio

The best area to focus on: planning

Best hour: 5am/night

Taurus, this week's energy is beautiful and relaxing for you. So rely on others and don't overwhelm yourself by taking on all the burdens yourself. The more you can align with this energy, the better your life will be in the near future.

You are also encouraged to plan for 2024 and your future life. If you have important decisions to make, now is the time to think about it and not put it off. Trust your gut, but also seek information if there are gaps in your understanding.

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4. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22)

Best zodiac sign for work: Taurus

The best area to focus on: listening

Best hour: 6 p.m

A sweet and simple day awaits you, Virgo. Are you ready to allow it to rejuvenate your soul and help prepare you for future success? You are asked not to let bad habits, such as the constant need to do something or give advice to others, drag you down. Just breathe, relax and drink some bubble tea.

Listening instead of speaking will also be highlighted especially for you this week. You will benefit from what you learn and your heart will thank you. Let the cosmos surprise you!

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5. Pisces

(February 19th – March 20th)

Best zodiac sign for work: Virgo

The best area to focus on: speaking

Best hour: 10 a.m

Pisces, evaluate the people in your inner/social environment. Are they holding you back? Have you ignored warning signs and toxic dynamics? You are about to fundamentally change your life. So make sure your circle doesn't get in your way. As you think about this topic, you will also learn who your true friends are and how you can rely on them for support.

During the Sagittarius Moon, speaking is a priority for you as an act of catharsis, healing wounds, and strengthening your self-esteem. So speak your mind, even if it's difficult at first. Practice makes perfect!

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Valeria Black is a tarot card reader, astrologer, and YouTuber with expertise in spells, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.