Extremely rare white alligator hatches for the first time under

Extremely rare white alligator hatches for the first time under observation in the USA

Rare leucistic alligator born in US reptile park

Rare leucistic alligator born in US reptile park

Photo: Disclosure/Gatorland

A white leucistic alligator, considered extremely rare, was born for the first time under observation at a reptile park in Florida, USA. The genetic variation was discovered 36 years ago in the swamps of Louisiana, and there are few animals with these traits in the world, experts say.

The rare birth took place at Gatorland, or “Crocolandia,” a reptile park in Orlando. According to the facility, the leucistic variant is the rarest in American alligators. In contrast to the completely white skin and pink eyes of albinos, leucistic alligators can have dark spots and blue eyes.

The transition also requires additional care for alligators, who cannot be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. In this case, burns may occur.

The rare cub is a female born with completely white skin, weighs 96 grams and is 49 centimeters long. In addition to her, an alligator with normal coloring also hatched in the same litter. Both remain under the care of the park.

According to Gatorland CEO Mark McHugh, the event is considered “far rarer.”

“It’s absolutely extraordinary and the first in the world,” he said.

According to the CEO, the park plans to exhibit the leucistic alligator in 2024. The reptile remains under observation for the time being during its development.

Alligator without a “mouth” and other animals that were given a second chance after being rescued
Alligator without a “mouth” and other animals that were given a second chance after being rescued

Gatorland further stated that three of the seven leucistic alligators registered worldwide are in the park. The facility is asking for help with the baptism of the new resident on social media.

Source: Redação Terra